June 2003
Around Town
Thanks to Remmens,
Rupcichs, and Guys for the great improvements to the grain elevators! Those old buildings are now attractive billboards that welcome passersby
and advertise some of our attractions. Thanks
also to Matt Yelich for donating so many trees to our beautification projects. Through the efforts of Mick Hertz and volunteers too numerous to mention
here, our town will soon be disappearing beneath a jungle canopy. Well, that may be overstating things a little, but you get the picture.
The walking trail project is underway, and volunteers are still needed! There will be plenty of labour required in the actual construction of the trail, and – you guessed it – there are still trees to be planted. Small donations toward renting a tree-mover for two more days would be greatly appreciated. Contact Mick Hertz.
Kenaston has a new slogan! It is Heritage, Spirit, Vision. Thank-you to all who contributed ideas. It’s time to put your thinking caps on again to decide what type of face-lift to give the water tower. What should be written on it? Please share your ideas with Susan Anholt.

For submissions to this prestigious publication, please contact Bryan Dilling at 252-2044. Errors or omissions are unintentional and entirely someone else’s fault.
School and Community Events
Discover the Orient without leaving home. Consider billeting a student from Taiwan this fall. A friendly reminder from the committee organizing the publishing of the "Kith and Kin 2005" history book. Deadline date of August 5/03 is drawing close. Please submit family history and pass this reminder along to family and friends. For more information contact: Jeanette Holder 252-2081, Theresa Owen 252-2028, or Connie Schwab 252-2222.

The annual Terry Fox run will take place on Sept. 14. Registration will be at Kenaston Place at 12:30; the run will begin at 1:00, with refreshments to follow. This
event is a school / community partnership. Donations and volunteers are both graciously accepted. Thanks to Tish Karpa and Sharon Taylor for their untiring efforts in organizing
this event over the last few years. Come out and support a great cause!

Business News from the Kenaston Co-op
Kenaston Co-op Kid’s Club is a big hit! We have registered over 50 Kids from 0-12 years old. The cake decorating for Mother’s Day was a huge success. Thanks a bunch to Ellen Ouellette and Courtney McVeigh for all their help.
you haven’t signed up for our Kid’s Club yet, register at the store or call Annette
for more information.
Equity Day is planned for July 23rd. Come out for a burger and pick-up your equity cheque.
We’ve increased our inventory of Livestock feeds and equipment. If you are looking for feed supplement, gates or panels, be sure to talk
to Bill. Don’t forget to have a look
at all our yard and garden supplies while you’re in.
Fishing and Big Game Licenses are now available, along with bait and tackle. Be sure to stop in on your way to the lake.

The Veggie Van will be parked in Kenaston again this year. Our produce and honey will be for sale as it comes available (barring hail
or freak August frost). Look for
lettuce, beans, carrots, beets, onions, sweet peppers, tomatoes, cucumbers, spaghetti
squash, winter squash, and zucchini. Call
ahead for U-Pick raspberries or farm vegetable pick-up. Limited strawberries will be available. Our honor system worked extremely well last year – Thank-you
Kenaston for making this possible.
***If you operate a business in Kenaston or surrounding
area, take advantage of free business postings on the website. Help us build a promotional
Kenaston site by adding your business or service. Call Glen (252-2711) to post your business promotion. Also, someone is needed to maintain the buy/sell page, and
real estate page. If you are interested,
please contact Glen Pavelich or Susan Anholt.