Kenaston Crossroads October 2003
Summer came and went with its usual flurry of activity. The first phase of the new walking trail was completed, and many are already enjoying this nice addition to Kenaston’s amenities. Thank-you to all who participated in this and other beautification projects around town. Primarily through the efforts of volunteers, almost 50 trees were transplanted to various locations in town, and approximately 200 shrubs found a new home at the campground. Good work Kenaston!
The new fire hall is nearing completion, and should be in use very soon. Come to the Grand Opening October 25th at 4:00 p.m. Now is the time to begin planning a new use for the old fire hall.Are there any entrepreneurial ideas out there? We could use some suggestions for the water tower too, so put on your thinking caps.
The Mid-Lakes Community Coalition will be meeting on Tuesday Oct. 21 at 7:30 p.m. in the basement of St. Andrew’s church. Anyone interested in regional economic development is welcome to attend. In fact, anyone interested in becoming interested is invited.
Civic elections are on Wednesday, Oct. 22 from 10:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. You can cast your ballot at the town office.

Our annual trade fair will take place on Saturday,
Oct. 25 from 9:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the town hall. Make sure to set aside time to come and see the products and
services available in our community. Every
booth space has been sold.
This year we have added a new feature to Autumn Action Days and will host two high profile guest speakers who will make presentations between 1:30 and 3:30
Our speakers Al Scholz and Don Campbell will address rural Saskatchewan living, community leadership and the importance of sustainable agriculture to our provinceAl Scholz is a noted Saskatchewan author and lecturer who incorporates case studies and success stories to illustrate practical strategies for improving business effectiveness and personal well-being, and to highlight the importance of leadership.
Don Campbell is a successful second-generation rancher,
a popular lecturer and teacher, who will address sustainable and profitable farming
practices. Campbell promotes principles
of farming that are based on quality-of-life values.

The Kenaston School Grade 12 students will be providing supper at Autumn Action Day as part of their annual fundraising efforts, so please bring your appetites when you come to the trade fair.Coupon book sales are also underway.
Please note that the school will be closed on Monday, Oct. 27 for teacher inservice.
Thank-you to all who participated in the Terry Fox run on September 14. Zack Tomlenovich was the most successful fundraiser, followed by Eve Ulmer in second, and the Mills family in third place. In total the event raised $1346.45 for cancer research. Next year will be even bigger and better
. There will be a hockey school on Friday, Oct. 24 and Saturday, Oct. 25. Friday’s times are as follows: 5:00 – Novice, 6:15 – Atoms, 8:00 – Pee Wee / Bantam. Saturday’s schedule will be announced on Friday.Contact Brent McVeigh for details.
Glen and Gene Pavelich would like to thank Kenaston again for a great Veggie Van season.Kenaston should be proud that a self-serve, honor system can work here. Veggie Van patrons gave us a beautiful demonstration of what Saskatchewan rural values are all about. We had our best season to date – no hail, no mid-season frost, and many wonderful customers. Thank-you.See you next year.
Visit the Kenaston Credit Union website at, and see the list of on-line banking services.

Mason Family Farm wishes to thank the members of the Kenaston Community for their patronage and support. With irrigation, 2003 has been a good year for the Christmas trees. We hope to see you in December.
We encourage everyone to get out and support all community activities from the Chamber of Commerce Autumn Action Day to the Kenaston School sports events.

The Kenaston website has a new “Home Page” feature. If you don’t find your present internet start-up useful, take a look at“Helpful Links” on the Kenaston Site at (Click on Helpful Links on the left panel).You can make this your start-up page by following the instructions.If you have suggestions for additional useful links, please let us know.
Pavelich Farm Bed and Breakfast – We are happy to welcome your overflow of family and guests when you are to host reunions, weddings, graduations, celebrations or other community events.252-2718.See our $45, Double $50, Queen $55.
Please contact Bryan Dilling at 252-2044, or by e-mail for submissions to the Kenaston Crossroads.We would like to begin advertising real estate for sale.If you would like to place an ad, please contact Bryan Dilling or Greg Brkich.