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Spring has arrived, and with it are opportunities to get involved in a variety of great community projects.
Have a look at some of the work planned for upcoming months and see where you can make a contribution. Many hands make light work!
Bonnington Springs Trail:
- The walking trail construction will progress in the spring, we intend to reach Bonnington Springs Campground by summer, 2004. The committee was fortunate to receive a $2,500 grant from the Saskatchewan Parks and Recreation Association, so with a little more local financial support and a lot of hard work, we will link the campground to downtown.
- The trail encourages visitors to visit our downtown and enjoy the opportunity to walk through prairie flora and fauna.
- Great signage will be an important part of completing the trail and we will be pointing out Kenaston facilities along with identification of some of the prairie scape.
- Does anyone know the exact location of the original "spring" that originated the name "Bonnington Springs"? Contact Susan Anholt.
Water Tower:
- Plans for the water tower progress. Thanks to the labor of Bob Mason, Ken Remmen, Melanie Kerpan, Danille Kerpan and Ellen Ouellette who removed siding off of an old building; we have lumber for repairs. Once funding is in place, the tower will be repaired and returned to the original "tuscan red" with a cream trim.
- The
tower provides the opportunity for your prairie creativity to get creating! What
would be an appropriate future use of the water tower? Some say there are enough
museums in Saskatchewan - is this true? A sports "Hall of Fame" has
been suggested. Are there other ideas? Contact Susan Anholt, Colleen Sekulich,
Agatha Rupcich, Mick Hertz or ML Whittles.
Highway Tourism:
- In addition, Chamber has approved a trail symbol. She is a "school marm", clothed in heritage attire ringing a handbell. We need to find an artist! If you have seen a symbol that you really liked in your journeys far and wide - tell us the name of the community and we can likely find the name of the artist (a photograph would be very helpful). This project as well, is contingent of fund raising efforts.
- Contact
Susan Anholt, Colleen Sekulich, Agatha Rupcich, Mick Hertz or M.L. Whittles.
International Students Program:
- Posters marketing Kenaston School are now going up in several communities in Taiwan. There are currently two agents in Taiwan and we are actively seeking further agents." Posters marketing Kenaston School are now going up in several communities in Taiwan. There are currently two agents in Taiwan and we are actively seeking further agents.
- Posters marketing Kenaston School are now going up in several communities in Taiwan. There are currently two agents in Taiwan and we are actively seeking further agents.
- Kenaston School is ready to welcome new classmates for the fall of 2004.
- Several families attended an orientation to the International Students Homestay Program in late February. If you are interested in getting involved, please call M.L. Whittles, Susan Anholt or Mistie Mutombo immediately.
The Kenaston Beautification Committee, consisting of Deanna Guy and Dan O'Handley, had their spring meeting and came up with a number of suggestions for the Village.
- We have abandoned our flower color theme and replaced it with this years theme which is "Think Green". We are encouraging everyone to work hard keeping their lawns cut, watered and looking green.
- We also came up with the week of April 26 to May 1 as our clean week. We are encouraging people to clean their yards and place the yard scraps at the curb for pick-up on May 3, 2004.
- The committee is pleased that the students of Kenaston School will also be participating in clean week by tidying up publicly owned properties.
- We are looking into plans to have flowerpot displays along Third Street this year and also a flower arrangement in the park and at the snowman.
- The committee really encourages anyone who has a suggestion to add to the Village appearance to contact Dan at his home. We appreciate all suggestions.