Up coming brain storm session

The recent community survey indicated that most respondents were aware of many of the Chamber's projects including our website, town beautification, newsletter, international students program, walking trail, and water tower projects. However, few knew about the Business Develop-ment Plan. From a March '04 community meeting, which included members of the Kenaston Chamber, Kenaston Village Council, and the R.M. of McCraney Council, a small Business Development group was established. The first project was to develop our community profile as a promotional tool to describe our community to interested businesses. The profile is posted on the Kenaston website and available from Village Office.
The next step is to actually encourage business development in Kenaston. A public meeting will be held at 7 p.m. Tuesday February 8th at Kenaston Place to brainstorm, and discuss ideas that have come forward. Individuals and businesses are encouraged to attend to give their thoughts on priorities for business development - what business or services are needed, what does Kenaston have to offer a potential new business, how we can better market our community, what kinds of businesses should be targeted, etc. It would be helpful to have community input as we attempt to narrow down the ideas and come up with a practical focus.
International Students Presentation: The international students committee is working to increase the enrollment
and viability of our school through a program targeting international students
in grades 9 to 12. Many out-of-country students consider it an advantage to have
studied English in an English speaking country before applying to western universities.
This is important to Kenaston since the future of our town and the influx of new
families depends largely on our continuing to have a school. Families in the area
can increase their income by billeting a student. As well, local students will
gain from the cultural exchange with these students. An information session and
presentation is planned for Tuesday, Feb 1st, 7 p.m. at the Kenaston School. This
is the best way for you to learn about the program and how you can participate.
Whether you have children in school or not please come and hear how vital this
project is towards saving our school, and our town.
EMO SURVEY RESULTS: Thank you to everyone who responded to the Kenaston Business Committee/EMO survey. The results indicate that most respondents feel very secure in Kenaston. How-ever, 50% of village and 75% of rural respondents would not have an immediate support group in a time of distress. A few families have on-going serious medical needs and most have their own means of evacuation transport. The average food and water supply of rural respondents would last from 3 to 7 days, but half of village families would have no sur-plus food supplies. Three quarters feel they would have a buddy family in the event of an extended emergency. Only ¼ of the village, but ½ of rural residents would have alternate winter heating. It should be noted that because many power lines are underground and protected from most hazards, out-ages in our district would typically affect a wide area.
Our Newsletter and Website: The survey indicated that 100% of respondents read the Kenaston Crossroads. If you would like to support the newsletter or sponsor an issue (copying and mailing costs), please contact the Chamber Treasurer, Susan Anholt, 252-2769. Susan also maintains the Kenaston Calendar of Events on our website. To keep it current please have your events and meetings included. Also, Community News from the Kenaston Crossroads, and articles from the Davidson and Outlook papers by ML Whittles can be found on the website. To post your Real Estate on-line at no charge, contact Bob Mason at 544-2734 or bmason@sasktel.net. If you make the Kenaston Website your Home Page you will see community events, announcements or important news every time you connect to your browser. Find out how at www.kenaston.ca. You will find our home page has quick links for local weather, international news, google search engine, internet banking, sasktel.net remote e-mail and much more. The more the news-letter and website are used by the community, the better and more effective they will become as com-munication tools. Website contact Glen Pavelich.
Tip of the Month: Be Prepared! Your Household Emergency Kit should include:
- A backpack/duffel bag or something to carry you emergency survival kit (in case of evacuation);
- Flashlight and batteries, or lantern and fuel (one per person);
- Wind-up or battery-powered radio or television with extra batteries (to hear news bulletins);
- Extra car and house keys; also keep at least ½ tank of gas in your car at all times;
- Portable stove and fuel (never use indoors), also keep your barbeque propane tanks filled;
- First aid kit and manual, personal medications;
- Clothing and footwear (one change per person); blankets or sleeping bags;
- Toilet paper and other personal supplies; playing cards, games, books, etc.
- Candles, matches/lighter; whistle (to attract attention).
See next Kenaston CrossRoads for tips on EMO Food Kits, and for survey results on Business Ideas
issue was made possible by
donations from Remmen Elevator
Announcements and Coming Events
- 2005 Kenaston Dinner Theatre: April 2nd and 3rd. Tickets to go on sale March 2nd, 6:30 at Kenaston Place.
- International Student Program: An important information session and presentation - Tuesday, February 1st, 7 p.m. at the Kenaston School
- New Businesses In Kenaston: A public meeting will be held at 7 p.m. Tuesday February 8th at Kenaston Place to brainstorm, discuss and narrow down ideas for Kenaston Business Development

In November, Emergency Planning sessions were held at Kenaston Place featuring keynote speaker Carl Friske who is Saskatoon's Regional Co-ordinator for Emergency Measures. The presentation outlined the roles and responsibilities of our First Responders, Fire Department and Davidson Ambulance Teams. Carl Friske described the emergencies most likely to occur in rural Saskatchewan and what aid could be expected from regional and provincial departments. Carl stressed that by law each area is first responsible for itself until it can no longer handle the situation alone. Colleen Sekulich gave an over-view of the Kenaston plan, its phone fan-out notification network, the block leader program, and evacuation procedures. Glen Pavelich talked about at-home preparedness, encouraging families to educate and organize at the household level. Those in attendance participated with their suggestions or concerns regarding the Kenaston and RM plans for sudden emergencies in our area.
Household preparedness can assist emergency personnel and town administrators, preventing calamity due to limited supplies, resources, and personnel. Personal at-home supply kits, safety checks, family education, and agreed-upon family emergency strategies can go a long way to ease the disorientation of a sudden mishap. The town alarm (broadcast from speakers at the Evangelical church) means immediate evacuation from the town. Our official evacuation center is Hanley, and in turn we are the evacuation center for Lost River, Hanley and Rosedale. Although not an official role of our EMO, Kenaston has shown that it is also a haven for stranded travelers. In the event that highway traffic is forced to stop here, volunteer co-ordination would be the strategy in such a case.
Concerns from those in attendance included an extended power outage in winter and the lack of heating options for individual households, and a public heated facility. A few homes have gener-ators or fireplaces. Without power fire trucks could not keep tanked water from freezing nor could the village pump fresh water or dispose of sewage. The most likely reason for town evacuation would be a toxic chemical spill from the railway or high-way. It is important that each family with children be aware of the Kenaston School plan and to incorporate it into their own emergency strategies. The Kenaston Crossroads and School newsletter could be used for public education, as it was agreed that more education is required.
The block leader program is critical in the event of an emergency. They are the first people to be notified by EMO administration and they in turn activate the phone fan-out for the households on their list. Block leaders also pass along concerns and special needs to the EMO coordinator, Colleen Sekulich. Many blocks are still without designated leadership so those interested in this role are asked to contact Colleen at 252-2230.
The R.M. of McCraney is without an emergency plan and the R.M. of Rosedale has a partial plan, but Carl Friske advised that he is available to assist the R.M. councils in preparing an emergency response plan. The individual household plan, preparedness kit, and family buddy system (families that team up together) are proactive ways for each family to prepare for a regional or personal crisis. Lists of recommended kits and Emergency protocols are available on the Kenaston website, at the village office, or from your block leader.