August / September '06
Why: Because we feel it would be nice to "grow" this weekend event into an annual Kenaston venue. Other events that need or deserve outside traffic can potentially be planned simultaneously to this one which already entices the public to our doorstep. With more booths and attractions this event could grow to bring in people from the highway, neighboring communities and our cities.
Bring friends and family to Kenaston on Sunday and Monday of the August long weekend and check out the sales and tables along 6th Avenue (along side Vetern's Park) and around town.
So far, this list of garage sales is as follows:
- Victorian Country - 3rd St
- Hawarden Country Market: clothing, concessions etc. - 6th Ave
- Ray & Shirley Huggins - 4th St
- Violet Siroski - 4th St
- Lorraine Firby - 3rd St
- D & M Krpan - 318 4th St
- Glen Pavelich & Associates - 6th Ave
- Elaine Haduik - 3rd St
- Brent & Shirley Hartman - 410 4th Ave
mentioned in the June newsletter, the annual August weekend Flea Market held at
Prairie Treasures has already become a favorite summer event and we would like
to acknowledge Ed Grant for developing an idea that brings people to Kenaston.
Pavelich Farm "Veggies are now at Flatrock Meats using the same concept as with the Veggie Van - select what you want and drop your money in the pail.
Autumn Action Day: October 28th Kenaston Place 11:30 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. Contact Susan Anholt if you which to have a booth. Ideas are welcome to increase attendance and develop this event to its full potential.
Kenaston Crossroads: Next issue Oct/Nov. To sponsor an issue of your community newsletter (approximately $30.00, or $60.00 if you wish exclusive sponsorship) please contact the newsletter team Glen Pavelich 252-2711, or Susan Anholt 252-2769. Remember, the Kenaston Crossroads is published on our website so you can email the direct link to family and friends. Next issue Aug/Sept. The Chamber is now accepting 2 sponsors per issue in order to cover complete cost, (both the copying and the postage) which is approximately $60 per issue. The newsletter will usually appear in your mailbox sometime during the 1st week of every second month.
Two sponsors have made this issue possible:
Kenaston Credit Union
People Helping People
Serving the Prairie Provinces since 1984
Announcements & Coming Events
- Aug 6th & 7th 2006 - Flea Market at Prairie Treasures and Garage sales around town. 9:00 - 5:00
- Back to School: August 31st Autumn Action Day: October 28th
Highway Signage: Chamber will coordinate an effort to have a highway community billboard in place for 2007 events. The billboard will list our website and advertise any and all community events. Donations to the cost of the billboard would be appreciated since Chamber itself does not have funds.
Trees on the Bonnington Springs Trail: Thank you to the McVeigh family for the donation of a shrub on the east end of "Bonnington Springs Trail" (campground area) in memory of Mick Hertz. A few have mentioned that they would like to memorialize Mick Hertz by adding a tree to the walking trail. This is a wonderful idea and Mick would be pleased. Mick had intended to add trees to the west section of the trail (by the old highway). Trees were planned for the south side of the trail (between the trail and the Ouellette pasture); however this part of the project was left incomplete. If you plant a tree, please be prepared to schedule in some "gardening time" over the next few summers. If you are planting close to the lower areas, consider an alkaline resistant tree. Please keep in mind the size of an adult tree and plant an appropriate distance back from the trail. If you are planting a poplar tree be sure that it does not produce "fluff". If you wish to discuss location, contact Susan Anholt. Additionally, let Susan know that you have planted the tree so that your gift can be acknowledged.
Real Estate: 5 more homes have been added to our on-line real estate listings If your home, farm, acreage, or land is for sale be sure to place the listing with us so you can gain the national and international exposure that our website can potentially generate. Attracting potential buyers or renters from Alberta or outside Canada could become our best approach, and as agricultural land for sales come in Glen Pavelich will continue to develop the pages to promote our area to outside buyers. Ideas welcomed.
Congratulations to Jackie Matovich of Kenaston having placed fourth in Shotput at the 2006 Canadian National Junior Track and Field Championships held in Sherbrooke, Quebec, 21-23 July.
Tower Project - July, 2006
water tower, the only "lighthouse style" water tower remaining in Saskatchewan
is one of five wooden water towers in Saskatchewan remaining on their original
site. The restoration budget will be in the area of $8,000 to $10,000. Once restored,
the water tower will be tourist destination and available to house a summer business
that seeks a unique structure and historic ambiance. To date, thanks to the donors
who have contributed to our projects, the water tower fund stands at $5,126.65.
Additionally, the Kenaston Lions have promised another $2,000.00. The Chamber
plans to restore this building this year and we are into the final countdown finanacially.
Any and all donations are needed and would be appreciated!
Frank Masich ($650.00)
DONORS ($500.00)
Lynne Yelich, M.P.
Millsap Fuel Distributors
Matt Yelich
Guy Trucking
Lorne & Susan Anholt
Al Hoffmann
Clarence Ouellette
Gerry Ouellette
DONORS ($250.00)
Joe Zeman
Millsap Fuels
DONORS ($100.00)
Colin & Roxanne Finnie
Florence Brown
DONORS ($50.00)
Vickie Wiesner
Joe & Dorothy Nizinkevich
& Joan Greggersen
DONORS ($25.00)
Pearl Breadner
Kenaston Lions Club - $3,987.87
SK Parks & Recreation - $2,500.00
- Local Heroes - $1,000.00