Craft & Trade Show: November 24th. This year's Trade and Craft Show will be held in November which makes it the perfect opportunity to do some of your Christmas shopping at home. Displays will run from 11:30 am to 7:00 pm and, as always, you can drop in for both lunch and supper. Lunch will be prepared by the Kenaston School, and the Barbeque Steak Supper will be organized by the Chamber for $10.00 a plate. The proceeds from both meals will be used here at home for the school and for community projects. Please help us to plan by picking up an advance ticket for the supper. Supper tickets can be purchased at the Kenaston Co-op.
We will be holding a silent auction fundraiser, and we will again have demonstrations throughout the afternoon. Watch the local billboards for a schedule of events.
Our Trade Show has always been an event to bring the community together in support of the businesses and private enterprises that we have here. It represents more than any other event our services, our people, and our entrepreneurial community. The tables for rent are quickly disappearing so expect a full auditorium and be sure to attend.
Theatre: Kenaston Dinner Theatre needs a new chairperson. Heather Mills
and Deanne Bleakley are stepping down, but are willing to advise and help the
new chairperson(s) get started for the 2007 season. The role of the coordinator
is to call the meetings and make sure the various roles for decorating, waitering,
hosting etc are filled. The catering job can successfully be contracted to a caterer
so this can alleviate the largest task of finding convenors and work crews for
the meal itself. This leadership role is important to our community, and leadership
is in fact all that is required since the event itself is well established with
knowledgeable help.
56 Kenaston, S0G 2N0
International Student Program (ISP) NuSask welcomes Heather Derdall of Outlook to the ISP team as the Homestay Co-ordinator.
NuSask and Lucky Lake are hosting an Information Meeting on October 4 with guest speaker, the Hazlet School Principal who will be describing their experiences hosting international students over the past three years. Decisions will be made about when students should arrive (January or September 2008), how many each community will host, and the ages/grades we prefer. People from Kenaston are traveling together. Contact ML Whittles (252-2236) or Cora Greer (544-2734) for more information or a ride. Anyone interested in becoming a Homestay family can contact ML or Cora.
Communities involved at the present time with NuSask and who will be hosting ISP students are Kenaston, Davidson, Lucky Lake, Beechy, and Eatonia.
Kenaston Crossroads: Next issue December/January. To support an issue of your community newsletter, please contact Susan Anholt 252-2769. If you have suggestions or announcements for the Crossroads please contact Glen Pavelich 252-2711. Each issue is posted directly from our Community Page on the Kenaston website.
Village News: The Council of the Village of Kenaston will be having a community clean-up the week of October 12 through 19th. Any garden scraps, wood or other, organic material that you would like removed, should be bagged and set by the curb for pickup on October 22, 2007. Non-organic refuse and material not bagged shall not be picked up.
Council asks that people remove their unlicensed vehicles or RV's from Village streets to allow for easier snow removal this winter.
This Issue has been co-sponsored by:
& Shirley Hartmann
Think AVON for Christmas Gifts and Ornaments:
and a Community Member
(name withheld)
Announcements & Coming Events:
- Thursday, Oct. 11th: Meet the Teachers Nite 7pm
- Monday, Oct 22: School In-Service Day
- Monday, Nov 12: School Holiday
- Saturday, Nov 17: Senior Boys Regional Volleyball, Kenaston
- Wednesday, Nov. 21: Parent Teacher Interviews
- Friday and Saturday, Nov 23-24: Senior Boys Provincial Volleyball, Kenaston. We will be hosting 10 teams.
- November 24th: Kenaston Trade and Craft Show / (Autumn Action Day). Doors open 11:30 a.m. Lunch at 11:30am - 1:00pm. Barbeque supper begins at 4:30pm.
Community Spirit: In August we held another well supported community picnic in the park. The Chamber would like to thank everyone who attended and for showing that we have a community spirit which is alive and well. This years picnic was organized to initiate an annual event of making sure we officially welcome the newcomers to our community. Since 2005, when we held our I Love Saskatchewan picnic to commemorate Saskatchewan's 100th year as a province, we have had 20 new households take up residence here. Virgie Norden has been our official welcoming committee and she had done an excellent job to ensure that each new household is contacted, welcomed and presented with the Chamber of Commerce welcome basket. The picnic gives us all a chance to meet and introduce ourselves. It was great to see so many make the opportunity. Dan and ML gave a spirited welcome and we hope we were able to impart to our new families that our community is happy they are here.
More Community Spirit: We have Valerie Lowdermilk and Katrina Mason to thank for our newly painted snowman. Since our mascot is the focus of tourism pictures year after year this noticeable improvement is very much appreciated.
Ray Enns and the Industrial Arts Program at the Kenaston School will be taking
on the task of creating a hockey stick for our snowman to display, which will
also acknowledge Saskatchewan's love of hockey and recognize our support of our
teams that wear the Blizzards jersey.
EMO: Kenaston EMO has 2 of the 4 Section Captains required to activate the new EMO Community Plan. Section C will be headed up by Joanne Hoffmann and Section A will be headed by Al Bleakley who will also act as the Supervising Lead for the Section teams. If you would like to be the section captain for areas B or D please contact Gene Whitehead (EMO Coordinator) at 252-2245.
Once the 4 captains are in place then an important meeting will be held to implement the next steps in the planning process. This meeting will also include the other members of the EMO response for our community including Fire, First Responders, Town Administration, Provincial Coordinator, and the other personnel involved. See our EMO plan on the Kenaston website at: linked from our community page.
EMO Social Services Committee:
winter approaches you can help Carol Lewis and Cathy Enns, our social services
coordinators, to be better prepared for stranded travellers. Supplies are being
collected and stored so that a more comfortable lodging can be put in place. Items
being accepted include blankets, pillows, personal toiletry items, wash cloths,
towels, cards and small games, etc. If you wish to bring items to Kenaston Trade
and Craft Show on November 24 a box will be set up for drop offs at the EMO table.