Kenaston, Saskatchewan

Kenaston Crossroads - Bi-Monthly Newsletter
February /March '08



Dinner Theatre
Dinner Theatre: The public meeting held in late January discussed the possibilities for a dinner theatre in the spring of 2008.  There were approximately 10 faithful dinner theatre supporters in attendance.  It became apparent that no one was prepared at this time to assume the leadership and discussion turned to the very important issue of directorship.  In this regard, Kathy Enns advised the group that she would be stepping down as director.  Given the date, and the fact that we are leaderless and directorless, the group felt compelled to make the decision that there will not be a local play in 2008.  It is hoped that interested parties will call a public meeting in the fall of 2008 to discuss play possibilities for 2009.  Discussions on alternate event ideas are also encouraged as a means to support the costs of Kenaston Place.

On behalf of the community we would like to extend our most sincere thanks to Kathy Enns, for the many years she has dedicated to the production of Kenaston Dinner Theatre.  Additionally, it is most appropriate to again thank all former directors and coordinators for the leadership that they have demonstrated for past dinner theatres.

Condo:  Enriched Housing in Kenaston?


Individuals that want to reside in Kenaston, but need or prefer convenience and residential services might consider investing in a condominium with an enriched environment.  Condo living relieves you of such tasks as lawn mowing, snow removal and building maintenance.  The Kenaston project could also provide space for group activity as well as a residence dining room. With a choice between a one or two bedroom unit, with kitchen, you could opt to make your own meals or use the in-house dining room.  Property values in Kenaston have increased to the point where buying an alternative property may now be a viable choice.  If this concept appeals to you, contact Colleen Sekulich (252-2230).  With just a few inquires or indications of interest a meeting will be called.

Town Office:
Council asks that all snowmobile operators please respect other peoples’ property. Council also requests that these machines not be operated within Village limits after 9:00 p.m.

The Dakota Dunes Community Development Corporation has a mandate to distribute net profits generated from the Dakota Dunes Casino on a fair and equitable basis to First Nations and non First Nation organizations within a 75 km radius from Whitecap Dakota Nation.

Grants are available for economic development, social development, justice initiatives, educational development, recreational facilities operation and development, seniors and youth programs, cultural development, community infrastructure and maintenance, health initiatives and other charitable purposes.  Kenaston is fortunate that our community and our organizations are within the mandatory 75 km radius, and Chamber will be submitting applications for several grant options.

Your organization must register with the DDCDC, on Form 100A immediately.  Forms are available from the Kenaston & District Chamber of Commerce (please contact ML Whittles).Qualifying organizations will receive a registration number from DDCDC, and in March 2008, will be requested to submit a specific funding application for their project.  Funds will be available in the spring of 2008.


Contact Glen Pavelich at 252-2711 to list your real estate on the Kenaston website or email her at gene.glen@sasktel.net. Glen will put your pictures and real estate information on the Kenaston website for only $20.00, and if needed will assist you to take the digital picture required.  Our website works exceptionally well to sell real estate privately so don’t over look this selling tool if you have a house, land or business for sale in the Kenaston District.

Next issue April/May. To support an issue of your community newsletter, please contact Secretary/Treasurer of the Chamber - Susan Anholt 252-2769. If you have suggestions or announcements for the Crossroads please contact Crossroads’ editor Glen Pavelich 252-2711. A co-sponsored issue is $30 per sponsor.


Box 56 Kenaston, S0G 2N0


This issue is co-sponsored by

Susan Anholt

CJ’s Superstop
Fuel, Confectionary, Carpet Cleaning, Bus Depot
Car Wash, Reverse Osmosis Water, Coffee & Snacks



Announcements & Coming Events

  • February 18th to 23rd:  School Break & Teacher’s Convention
  • March 5th: Co-op General Meeting and Supper.
  • March 21st to 28th: School March Break

Our Co-op has the proposed amalgamation with Riverbend.  To hear the full discussion please attend the March 5th meeting. 

Contact Glen Pavelich 252-2711 to place your committee announcement in the newsletter.

Community Spirit: Kenaston Celebrates 100 Years.
We are planning a party to celebrate the past, present and future of Kenaston.  This will be a participation event and everyone is invited.


The dates under consideration are Friday, July 2 to Sunday, July 4, 2010.  We are hopeful that some of our facilities will open their doors (school, rink) for the potential of reunions planned by individuals or groups.  The possibility of a parade featuring the various decades that have brought the community to 2010 was discussed. 

We are considering a Saturday street fair complete with a big tent, where any local business or group could set up food vending to offer lunch for the many that come out to visit or take part in street activities.  We have discussed a Saturday evening meal at Kenaston Place followed by a variety evening.  If there is interest, a country music street dance (perhaps sponsored by a local business), with a parallel (much quieter) event taking place at Kenaston Place.  The Sunday holds many possibilities with the option of the local congregations planning an ecumenical service followed by a brunch.  Any group meals would need to be arranged by advance ticket sales. 

The committee also discussed their preference to plan an overall framework for the weekend with many of our businesses and groups taking ownership of various activities.  In this way, the weekend could be helpful to a local business or individual and help to keep you here and viable, as well as a good reason to actively participate in this event.  Celebrations in Kenaston have always been well supported and bring families home.  Let’s do this big.

We would love immediate feedback, please contact anyone on the committee. Susan 252-2001, Regan Prpich 252-2525, Theresa Owen 252-2028, Cory Ouellette 252-2115.

Do you want to host an International Student?
Kenaston is one of six communities welcoming international students for the September 2008 school year.  We will have two or three students for the initial year of our international student program.  Is your family interested in hosting a student?  It is a wonderful opportunity to increase your cultural awareness, in addition to being paid $600 per month.  Contact Mary Ellen Lowdermilk for more details 252-2716 and to be updated as events occur.

Chamber President Message: ML Whittles
The Kenaston & District Chamber of Commerce held annual meeting the end of January 2008.  M.L. Whittles, Ken Remmen and Susan Anholt once again filled the executive chairs for the current year.
The Kenaston Crossroads is just one of the initiatives of the Chamber and is seen as a means of fostering community spirit.  Published bi-monthly, the intent of the newsletter is to focus on community happenings.  As President of the Chamber, I wish to acknowledge and thank both Glen Pavelich and Susan Anholt for taking on the gargantuan task of compiling, editing and forwarding the publications throughout the communities of both Kenaston and Hawarden.  I would also like to thank the individuals and businesses who have sponsored the Crossroads.  Without this sponsorship this community endeavour would not be possible.

Over the summer you would have noticed the transformation of the snowman.  It was painted and spruced up through the efforts of two local teenagers, Val Lowdermilk and Katrina Mason.  The inside of the water tower was environmentally cleaned and the Chamber is in the process of taking quotes for some siding replacement and shingles. 
The Chamber welcomes the participation of anyone interested in the community and its business and/or economic development. 

You do not have to be a business owner to participate.  Our membership base has slowly been on the rise with 2006 seeing a membership of 26; 2007 - 29 members and if everyone pays their dues, we will have a slate of 33 for 2008.  The yearly membership cost remains at $25.00.  You are cordially invited to the Kenaston Hotel the 4th Monday of every month, 12:00 noon for a 1 hour luncheon meeting.  Bring yourself, bring your ideas.


Kenaston Crossroads: There are a number of area households who do not receive the Kenaston Crossroads because they block fliers from their mailbox.  Thus, we are leaving copies around town for pick up at the Café, Credit Union and Co-op.  Remember, the Crossroads is also linked to our website. We want to encourage you to make our community homepage the default browser on your computer. This will give intercommunity communication an exceptional boost

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