Beautification - Walking Trail Cleanup
Thanks to Margaret Krpan for taking the lead on the walking trail cleanup. The work crew was Margaret Krpan, Joe Stacowich, Agatha Rupcich, Florence Greke, Bob Mason and Susan Anholt. Gwen Badgley did a garbage pick-up prior to the clean-up gathering. A special thanks to Joe Stacowich and the Village of Kenaston for bringing and operating machinery to make our job so much easier. Thanks also for the follow up weed control.

Snowman Park
Three cheers to Florence Greke for figuring out how to fix the snowman. Thanks to Dave Badgley and Lorne Anholt for attaching the stick and Florence Greke, Gwen Badgley and Susan Anholt and for building and applying fiberglass to the hand. Thanks also to Cora Greer finishing the project by painting the hand. Dan and Rosemary O’Handley will be applying “hockey tape” with paint. The chain link fence was recently repaired at a cost of $725, presumably from snowmobile damage.
The Snowman sign was twisted off recently but thanks to John Boehmer and Michael Pavelich it has been repaired. Everyone is advised to please wear shoes if you are visiting the snowman park. There is a remarkable amount of broken glass in the park and it is difficult to keep it all picked up.

The 2009 Community Picnic was a smashing success, thanks to all of those who attended. Marg Krpan helped with set up while chief cooks were Jason Zdunich and Gene Pavelich. Heather Mills and Agatha Rupcich handled name tags, door prizes and cash while Darlene Remmen and Gwen Badgley kept the food line filled. Susan Anholt handled announcements and introductions and Toni and Clark Tweet joined us to help with the cleanup. We had a great attendance and were thrilled that so many new residents attended. Thanks everyone!
This year’s Terry Fox run, held on September 25th generated $3,571.00. Kenaston School would like to thank all those who came out to walk. Your community support and participation generated funds which exceeded the funds raised by the 2008 walk.
Dinner Theatre 2010: Our spring Dinner Theatre will be coordinated by Susan Anholt provided that a play is found. Help is badly needed for play selection! The 1st organizational meeting will to be held as soon as harvest is over, so watch for posters. Volunteers will be needed for the jobs of decorating, appetizer/dessert prep, waiters & hostesses. There may be opportunities for a co-director so please contact Susan immediately.
** Correction to the August Crossroads. We really need someone to step into the essential role of sound and lights. This is a huge job and it is critical to our continued success!
Crossroads: Our newsletter has been reaching more people as we are emailing it to a growing list of subscribers. If you have not received your newsletter by email then we likely do not have your email address or you have changed it. A number of emails were returned last issue due to incorrect addresses. If you have changed your service provider please advise Glen Pavelich at gene.glen@sasktel.net.
A Kenaston Crossroads supporter
ML Whittles
Congratulations and thank you to Kenaston’s incoming Mayor and Councilors
CJ’s Super Stop
Thank You to Everyone
For Your Support
- School Open House Night: Oct. 7th (see below)
- Trade and Craft Show - Oct. 24th
- Hanley - Johnny Cash Tribute night - Oct. 24, Centennial Hall. Cocktails 6:00 pm, Supper 6:30, show to follow. Advanced tickets must be purchased from Trailbreak Shell or SGI in Hanley or Kathy's Restaurant in Dundurn.
- School Remembrance Day Service - Nov 10th
- Community Remembrance Day – Nov 11th at 10:45am at Kenaston Place
- Parent Teacher Interviews - Nov 18th

School Open House Nite on Oct. 7th. Supper, prepared by the SRC, will start at 5:30pm, Demos and Kids Carnival 6:30pm. Come to meet the staff, hear discussions and updates on the Distance Ed program and the two new courses being offered (tourism and forensics). Also see a demonstration on the new “smart tables” geared for elementary students
Trade and Craft Show: It appears that the Trade Show will again be a full house. There are just a few tables left and calls are still coming in. Be sure to come out and take in this event. Kenaston School will again handle the lunch, and the evening steak barbeque will be sponsored by the Chamber. Be sure to get advance tickets for the evening meal so we can plan for the amount that will be needed. Tickets are available at the Coop - $10.00 per plate. ($6.00 for a hamburger meal).
Doors will open at 11:30 am. Supper will be from 4:30 to 7:00 pm. Volunteers are needed for supper preparation and kitchen duty, as well as for dessert contributions. Contact Susan Anholt.

Welcome Baskets
Thanks to Virgie Nordlee, some 68 baskets have been prepared and delivered to newcomers from 2004 – 2009. Thank you Virgie for the countless hours dedicated to this volunteer project. The Chamber needs a new volunteer for this worthwhile, outreach of community spirit.
Kenaston Council
This year the Village of Kenaston and community were approved for a number of grants. The swimming pool will receive $26,666 and the rink $28,132. These grants are Recreational Infrastructure Canada grants and are funded (1/3) by the Provincial Government, and 1/3 by the Western Economic Diversification. The remaining 1/3 is provided by the community.
Under the Building Canada Fund - Communities Component Grant, the Village of Kenaston will receive funding for a much needed water treatment plant upgrade. Funding for this project will also be (1/3) by the Federal Government, and 1/3 by the Provincial Government and 1/3 is provided by the community.
The Federal “New Deal for Cities and Communities” Grant (or Gas Tax Grant) has approved funding for the lift station upgrade.
These improvements to Kenaston infrastructure are important changes and enhancements for the community and would be impossible for the Village of Kenaston to accomplish without assistance from senior levels of government.
Municipal Elections: No municipal elections will be held in Kenaston as all of the councilors have filed papers to continue as our elected officials. Dan O’Handley will serve as Mayor for another term.
We are appreciative that our team is willing to be reinstated for the upcoming term. The survival of community administration depends on the people who step forward to take these roles. Thank you.
Snowmobilers must observe the rulings to stay off the sidewalks, drive within speed limits, and respect private and village property.
Vandalism: A cash reward is being offered by the Kenaston Chamber of Commerce for information that can be substantiated regarding vandalism in the village. We all need to participate in a community watch. Confidentiality will be ensured. Please contact M.L. Whittles with information.
Our 2010 Centennial Celebration will be held July 2-4, 2010. We anticipate a large attendance and the Village of Kenaston and the Chamber of Commerce would like to encourage all home owners to consider what property clean up can or should take place in advance of our grand event. Some sidewalk improvements have been done by the Village but home owners will need to take steps to clear off sod from the sidewalks in front of and alongside their property. If volunteers would like to step forward to assist a neighbor – that would be wonderful…