February - March 2010
Dinner Theatre 2010 will feature “Perils on the High Seas”. This year’s production will be held on Friday and Saturday, April 9 and 10th.
Tickets will go on sale on Wednesday, March 10 at Kenaston Place, Hall C from 4:30pm to 5:30pm. |
The production promises to be a lively presentation, with the performance located on a cruise ship during the roaring twenties.
We anticipate that sales for both evenings will be lively so be sure to book your tickets on sale night or at Heather’s Corner after March 10. Contact Susan Anholt to volunteer for the many off-stage tasks.
See all details on the website – linked from the community page.

2010 Centennial Celebration: Our Centennial Celebration for July 2-4, 2010 is taking shape. The program and registration forms will be available this month. A community flyer was just circulated, but if you happen to block flyers, be sure to inform yourself by reading the 2010 information on www.kenaston.ca
The committee will be mailing registration material to Kenaston’s expatriates this month but if you are in contact with someone who has not received the mailing, kindly direct them to the Kenaston website or email them the “Out of Town” flyer.

Village News: Village Office would like to remind residents to clear snow away from their power and gas meters so scheduled readings can be taken and you are not charged a seasonal average for the month instead.
The Kenaston Website now has a free
buy / sell / trade feature. You will find it on the community page. This is a self administered posting so feel free to log in and list your items.
The WaterWolf Advisory Planning Commission is now before the Hon. Jeremy Harrison, Minister of Municipal Affairs Ministry. Ratification of the first and largest independent land commission in the history of the province is imminent. The Village of Kenaston and Hawarden, together with the R.M. of McCraney and the R.M. of Rosedale are just four of the 37 rural and urban municipal governments together with Whitecap Dakota First Nation who have partnered to form the WaterWolf Advisory Planning Commission.
The WaterWolf Advisory Planning Commission goals are best laid out in the draft ‘Growth Management Plan’ (below) that was presented to the stakeholders for their approval and input in the spring of 2008;
‘Building strong communities for long-term prosperity, environmental health and social well-being depends on managing change and promoting efficient land use and development patterns. This supports strong, livable and healthy communities, protects the environment, public health and safety, stimulates economic growth and sustains municipal financial well-being over the long term.
At its Best, the WaterWolf Planning District will have:
- A land use concept plan that generally outlines the future land uses that may develop over time within the District.
- The District as a desirable location for future economic activity, employment opportunities, residential growth and major tourism destination.
- Identified development opportunities that will improve the enjoyment, health and well-being for the residents and communities within the District.
- Detailed planning areas that acknowledge the need for environmental management of the South Saskatchewan River Watershed.
- An inter-municipal framework to provide for mutual implementation of land development, economic development, transportation systems and infrastructure.
- Maintained and enhanced relationships amongst local levels of government for a sustainable region through ongoing partnerships with government agencies, respectful of municipal autonomy. And finally:
Open lines of communication continue to develop between urban and rural municipalities and the first nation, to share experience, innovative ideas, and best practices to resolve conflict and pursue opportunities for regional benefit.’

Real Estate – A reminder to anyone selling real estate in or around Kenaston that you can put your property for sale on the Kenaston website for only $20.00. People looking to buy a rural property do look at the community websites, and a good number of our recent sales have resulted from our on-line listing. Contact Glen Pavelich – 252-2711 or email glenpavelich@gmail.com.
This Issue has been co-sponsored by:
and District
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Senior's News
- Kenaston Seniors will be taking part in the Saskatchewan Senior Winter Games and will host "500 card game and Tile Rummy" for the Senior District on Wednesday, February 24. The grand finale for the District Winter Games will be held in Watrous on April 14, 2010
- February 15, Monday – Pancake and Sausage lunch at the Adam’s Center for anybody. 11:45-1:00
- Movie afternoon every second Friday – Next Movie: Feb. 12th.
- During the 2010 Centennial Event the Senior’s will be showing memorabilia of days past at the Adam’s Center. If you have items you could contribute to the display please contact Jeannette 252-2082, Agatha 252-2220, or Mary Ann 252-2721.
School News:
- Friday Feb 12th: School Winter Olympics. Spectators welcome. Opening ceremonies 10:45 at the school. Following lunch meet at the arena.
- Feb 15th—19th: Teachers Convention and February Break
- April 2nd—April 9th: Easter Break
Kenaston Hotel Event:
- Comedian Event February 20th. Also watch for posters for the upcoming snow pitch Tournament in March.
The Kenaston Trade and Craft Show needs someone to champion event coordination if our long standing annual tradition is going to continue. This Chamber sponsored event has been an important fund raiser for the Chamber and has been an important means of community wide business recognition. The annual show also brings community members in direct contact with business owners and their products or services. We would like to see it continue, but would appreciate some additional membership support in organizing and publishing the event.
The Community Business Plan: The Chamber of Commerce business plan is due for renewal and all community members are welcome to make suggestions. The 2007 revised plan is on-line at http://www.kenaston.ca/pages/chamber.htm or can be picked up at Susan Anholt’s office. Talk over your ideas with any chamber member to have it brought forward at a chamber meeting.
Cindy Menzies' Grade 5/6 Social class was raising money for Pennies for Africa with penny containers around our community. We would like to thank this very generous community for helping us raise over $250.00 - well past our $60.00 goal! We had enough money to send 2 pairs of goats, 2 flocks of chickens, and 2 fuel-efficient stoves,to a need community in Africa. Our donation was made through the Canadian Lutheran World Relief fund.
Welcome Baskets: Our welcome baskets to new Kenaston residents and businesses will now be delivered by Della Siroski and Theresa Owen. Thank you to this new team for volunteering for this important Chamber of Commerce activity.
Vandalism: A cash reward is being offered by the Kenaston Chamber of Commerce for information that can be substantiated regarding vandalism in the village. We all need to participate in a community watch. Confidentiality will be ensured. Please contact M.L. Whittles with information.

Joke: A couple was leaving a cocktail party, where the husband, slightly flushed, had been the life of the party. "John," she said, "did anyone ever tellyou how fascinating, how romantic, and how handsome you are?" "No," the man replied happily, looking at his wife, "I don't think anyone ever did". "Well," she snapped, "then where did you ever get the idea?!!!"
A Kenaston Crossroads supporter
1-800-263-6071, or 252-6100