April / May 2011
2011 Sports Lotto winners:
- Super Bowl Game Score – Carmen Fowler
- Blizzards Home Provincial Game Score – Dee Guy
- Tournament of Hearts Final Score – Todd Wiesner
The Kenaston Lions Club and SuperDraft are contributing approximately $100,000.00 towards the improvements at the Kenaston Water Plant.
Volunteers are needed to staff the phones for the spring draft on
April 11 and April 12.
Call the
Super Draft office or drop by
Kenaston Place!
Tomato / Potato Blight:
Also, if you still have potatoes stored from last year's crop it important to check them for any signs of blight ASAP. If rot is detected get the remainder of potatoes outside (inside closed garbage bags) while nights are still cold so the potato flesh will freeze. This hopefully will kill the active spores. If you wait until the weather is warm then the potato will harbor the spores.
Food Shortages:
No one really likes to talk about the possibility of food shortages in Canada, but it is a subject that needs to be discussed openly within our communities, and among families. With global climate extremes and crop failures upon us, along with the ever increasing price of food transport, we need to be prepared by ensuring adequate stores.
The price of food stuffs WILL be going up and shortages ARE predicted. Even our mainstream news broadcasts are warning of this for 2011. It makes sense for communities to work together to create awareness of the issues, and for families to plan in advance just in case.
For the gardeners amongst us there is another thing to consider. Most garden seed is now owned and distributed by one of 2 seed companies… both owned by 1 greedy conglomerate. The control of our seed is being taken from us due to hybridization and GMO processes — meaning the vegetables grown in our gardens will not produce viable seed, and hybrid/GMO seed will only become more and more expensive. It is important to be aware of this since community efforts to remain sustainable depends on a local supply of available seed AND on local or community crops and gardens.
Consider planning a garden this year using open-pollinated seed types. Save and share a wide variety of seed. If anyone wants to join in on food planning and gardening discussions please call Glen - 252-2711.
Community Announcements:
Friday April 8th. Community Awards Night & Blizzard Auction.
Kenaston Place. Tickets $15.00 (includes $5.00 auction voucher.)
Advance Tickets only. Call Mike Menzies 252-2719.
See Poster
School Dates:
- April 15 - World Class Tour to Mexico
- April 19 - Spring Dessert Theatre
- April 22 - 31 inclusive - Easter Break
- May 2 - 1/2 Day Early Dismissal
- May 23 - Victoria Day Holiday
Senior's Club News:
The Annual Meeting of the Kenaston Seniors was held at the Adams Centre on Tuesday, April 5 at 2:00.
The executive for the upcoming year consists of:
- President - Jeanette Holder
- Vice-President - Mary Ann Santha
- 2nd Vice President - Frank Sagen
- Secretary- Rosemary O'Handley
- Treasurer- Melanie Kerpan
As part of the SSAI Walkaton, members of the Kenaston Seniors are asked to keep a record of their exercise times from April 1 until May 15. The times are then converted to miles and our total miles, as a club, will be submitted to the Regional Director.
The Winter Games Finale, which some of our members will be attending, will be held in Imperial on April 14. Regular monthly meeting will be held on the third Tuesday of the month beginning at 3:00 p.m.
The Adams Centre continues to be a busy place with the pool and shuffleboard tournaments and other activities. We welcome new members.
From The Village of Kenaston
Three town lots are still for sale: see the real estate page on the Kenaston website for particulars.
The water treatment plant project is currently waiting for the reverse osmosis system to be put in. The system is expected to arrive the end of April. If there will be any changes in water distribution, a newsletter will be sent out to inform residents.
Awards and Community Recognition:
Marion Mutala has received her first award as an emerging writer for her book, "Baba's Babushka: A Ukrainian Christmas". She will receive an Anna Pidurchney award from the Grant Mceown College in Edmonton.
New Residents to Kenaston:
Our annual community picnic returns this year and will be held Wednesday, August 10th from 5:30 to 7:00 pm at Veteran's Park. We are letting you, and the community, know this date well in advance so that you can keep it in mind as the date when we would like to officially welcome our new residents to Kenaston. This event is a casual community barbeque and is well attended by both village and rural residents.
Your Information on the Kenaston Website:
If you are the head of a committee or club in either Kenaston or the RM please note that you are invited to contribute to or update your page on www.kenaston.ca.
If you find there are frequent questions people ask, forms or public information that could be available on-line, or contact information that is out of date please send your information to Glen for posting. Also know that your club or organization can be listed from the main business directory and on the community page.
New pictures are needed for various website pages, including the arena and recreation pages. Pictures of interest can also be posted on the community page so don't hesitate to send them in.
Crossroads Distribution: Our growing list of email addresses helps us reach more of the rural and village residents who do not receive the newsletter. We are hoping to continue with this expanded email list so the Crossroads and other important notices can be sent to more homes over the internet.
Contributing to the Crossroads: As space allows and content deemed appropriate, community members are welcomed and encouraged to contribute information or suggestions for articles to the Crossroads. Send your suggestion and contributions to Glen: 252-2711. Issue are published every 2 months. To sponsor ($60) or co-sponsor ($30) an issue contact Susan Anholt: 252-2769