Kenaston, Saskatchewan

Kenaston Crossroads - Bi-Monthly Newsletter

Kenaston Crossroads
February / March 2011



Dinner Theatre:

Plans are well underway for Dinner Theatre on Friday, April 1 and Saturday, April 2.  This year our cast will present "Zorro's Back in Town". 


Our ticket price will be $30.00 and tickets will go on sale at Kenaston Place on February 24 from 4:30 to 5:30 pm.  After that date, tickets will be available at
4 C's Corner Store. 

If you can help us as a waiter or hostess, please talk to Melanie Kerpan or Kathy Enns.  If you are available for any of the other jobs, please talk to Susan Anholt. 

Kenaston Fire Department:


The Kenaston Fire Department desperately needs dedicated volunteers for the Fire Department and First Responders.

An Assistant Emergency Measures (EMO) Coordinator is also required. If you have some time to dedicate to these essential services, contact Gene 252-2245.

AED: Automatic
External Defibrillator

A CPR with AED Course has been planned as First Responder Training. The 1st course will be Saturday, February 12th, Hall "C", Kenaston Place at 9 am, and is limited to 8 people.

A repeat course will be offered at a later date. The cost will be paid for the first 20 people who register - Sponsored by the Kenaston and District First Responders.

First course limited to 8 people - Call Ken Remmen to book 252-2767.

Emergency Tip - for Elderly (or whomever). Write your name, and a list of your current medications along with the date on a file card and carry it in your wallet or purse. (Gene Whitehead)

Kenaston Blizzards
Upcoming Blizzards Hockey Schedule:

The Kenaston Senior Blizzards are wrapping up their league schedule with two away games and hope to announce their league playoff game schedule by February 3. (Check website for updates).

The Blizzards have just completed Round 1 of SHA Provincial "D" hockey and are scheduled to play the Davidson Cyclones in Round 2.

Game dates are Friday, Feb 11 at 8pm Kenaston and Monday, Feb 14 in Davidson at 8pm. You don't want to miss this series. See you at the rink.


  • Friday, Feb 4 - Kenaston vs Conquest 6:00 Conquest
    (Second game in the first round of SHA provincials. We won game one 7-3 on January 26th)
  • Saturday, Feb 5 - Lanigan vs Kenaston 12:00 Kenaston
  • Sunday, Feb 6 - Long Lake vs Kenaston 12:00 Loreburn
  • Friday Feb 11- Kenaston vs Humboldt 7:30 Bruno
  • Saturday Feb 12 - Humboldt vs Kenaston 5:00 Kenaston


  • Tues. Feb 1- Drake vs Kenaston 8:00 Drake
  • Friday, Feb 4 - Watrous vs Kenaston 7:30 Watrous
  • Tuesday, Feb 8 - Lanigan vs Kenaston 7:30 Lanigan
  • Friday, Feb 11 - Loreburn vs Viscount 7:30 Loreburn
    • Provincials:
    • Wed, Feb 9 - Central Butte vs Kenaston 7:30 CB
    • Sun, Feb 13 - Kenaston vs CButte 7:30 Kenaston
Check the Kenaston website - Community Page
for notification of updates or changes.

From The Village of Kenaston

The Village of Kenaston council would like to remind people to remove vehicles and garbage bins from the street when Joe is removing snow. Keep in mind that your garbage bin should be removed from the street once garbage pickup has been done to prevent any damage caused to them. Thank you.

Contributing to the Crossroads:

Contributing to the Crossroads: As space allows and content deemed appropriate, community members are welcomed and encouraged to contribute information or suggestions for articles to the Crossroads.

Send your suggestion and contributions to Glen: 252-2711. Issue are published every 2 months. To sponsor ($60) or co-sponsor ($30) an issue contact Susan Anholt: 252-2769


This Issue has been co-sponsored by:


Community Announcements:

  • Dinner Theatre on Friday, April 1 and Saturday, April 2 (doors open at 6pm.
  • Ticket Sales begin: February 24th, 4:30 - 5:30 Kenaston Place.
  • CPR with AED Course: Saturday, February 12th,
    Hall C - Kenaston Place 9 am.
    Call Ken Remmen to book 252-2767.

School Dates:

  • February 10 - Gr. 7/8/9 Trip to Table Mountain
  • February Break - Week of February 21 - 24
  • March 4 - Gr. 3/4/5/6 to Persephone Theatre

Senior's Club News:

  • Jan - Feb - Pool Tournament Underway
  • Monday, February 14, Valentine Dessert Time (2pm - 4pm) $5.00
  • Wednesday, February 23, Senior Winter Games
  • Shrove Monday, March 7 Pancakes, Sausage etc
    (11am - 1pm)
  • Tuesday, March 8 - Annual Meeting 2pm
  • March is Membership Month!

New Residents to Kenaston:

Our annual community picnic returns this year and will be held Wednesday, August 10th from 5:30 to 7:00 pm at Veteran's Park. We are letting you, and the community, know this date well in advance so that you can keep it in mind as the date when we would like to officially welcome our new residents to Kenaston. This event is a casual community barbeque and is well attended by both village and rural residents.

Kenaston Community Business Plan
2011 to 2014

The Chamber has continued to recognize the community business plan as a valuable guideline to village and chamber projects including tourism, beautification, community spirit as well as marketing and promotion of Kenaston.

The key strategies fall under the 4 goals:

  • Maintaining an Economic Development Focus
  • Expand Tourism Opportunities
  • Foster Community Spirit
  • Enhance the Community's Image through Beautification

One of the projects added to this business plan period is to "Initiate a beautification project at the Skating Rink to revitalize and visually enhance this area, and add a focal point for community information and signage close to the highway." Community volunteers will be needed to see this vision through so please watch for notices and updates in the months ahead.

The full document can be viewed on the Kenaston website under the community profile planning tab, and under the chamber tab. You may also pick up a copy from Susan Anholt.

Your Information on the Kenaston Website:

If you are the head of a committee or club in either Kenaston or the RM please note that you are invited to contribute to or update your page on www.kenaston.ca.

If you find there are frequent questions people ask, forms or public information that could be available on-line, or contact information that is out of date please send your information to Glen for posting. Also know that your club or organization can be listed from the main business directory and on the community page.

The Kenaston School of Dance has recently added new information and pictures to their on-line page - be sure to check it out.

New pictures are needed for various website pages, including the arena and recreation pages. Pictures of interest can also be posted on the community page so don't hesitate to send them in.


Crossroads Distribution: Our growing list of email addresses helps us reach more of the rural and village residents who do not receive the newsletter.  We are hoping to continue with this expanded email list so the Crossroads and other important notices can be sent to more homes over the internet.

Lynn Yelich
A Kenaston Crossroads supporter
1-800-263-6071, or 252-6100