Kenaston, Saskatchewan

Kenaston Crossroads - Bi-Monthly Newsletter
Kenaston Crossroads
February / March 2012

Kenaston Phone Directory:

Lions ClubThe new and updated (Lions Club sponsored) Kenaston Phone Directory is underway. If your phone number has changed, or is not currently listed, please contact Joni Zdunich directly. Cell phones numbers can be used ONLY if you do not have a landline! If you have an unlisted number be sure to let Joni know to exclude it from the directory. DEADLINE: February 7th. Contact Joni by 252-2858 or email her at: rjzdunich@sasktel.net

Alternate phone and post office box directory:

Because the Lions Club phone directory is not large enough for more than one line per household, the Chamber is creating a second (expanded) version of the directory to be made available as paper and digital copies (as a simple Word or PDF document). The digital version would not be internet accessible, but would be intended as a home copy or one that is stored on, and accessed from your personal computer.

This would give community residents access to post office box numbers, secondary phone numbers, etc. The Post Office itself is not permitted give out box number information, and therefore you may share the frustration of not knowing the proper address to send a sympathy card or greeting to.

Thus, we would like to invite all residents to submit their additional info to this online form: http://www.kenaston.ca/pages/newsletter/directorycontactform.html Hard copies of this form are available at Village Office and can be mailed in, or the completed form can be left at Village Office.

Join The Chamber to:

  1. Qualify for group insurance. Information and links always available at the Kenaston Chamber of Commerce page. (See Chamber Plan).
  2. Receive Chamber Member Rates for Visa, Mastercard and/or Interac.
    • Reduced Rate Program via the TD Merchant Services preferred pricing program.
    • Deposit your funds to any bank you choose.
    • Pay no application fee.
    • Process your transaction through secure point-of-sale terminals.
    • And much more.

Seniors Club News:

Club members and guests enjoyed the Christmas supper catered by the Evan Ladies. Approximately 57 were in attendance.

This past December 31st we held our 1st annual New Years Eve Potluck. The afternoon and evening was spent playing cards, visiting and playing snooker.

cupcakeOn Monday February 13th we are having a Valentines Cupcake afternoon. Everyone is welcome. Time: 2:30 p.m.

Visiting and card playing take place Mondays and Thursdays after 2:00 pm.

Sign up now for the next pool or Shuffle board tournament.

Seniors exercise sessions keep seniors in shape. Join us on Tuesdays at 4:00 pm.

Christmas Hamper Project:

Thank you to the many members of the Kenaston Community who donated to the Christmas Hamper Project, your gifts are so necessary and are very much appreciated.

Community Page Announcements:

The Kenaston website is available for all community members to use.  If your group or organization has an announcement of any type, please contact Glen to have it posted.  Event announcements can also be published in the Kenaston Crossroads. 
Glen 252-2711, gene.glen@sasktel.net.

Real Estate: If you have a house, farm, business, or land for sale don't foget to have it posted on the Kenaston website. If you are using a Realtor they can have your property and MLS listing posted on the Kenaston site for you. Contact: Glen Pavelich - 252.2711.

Buy/SellKenaston and Area Buy Sell & Give Away Forum is now on Facebook. This group was initiated by Chrystal Zdunich back in the fall and has been exceptionally popular. If you have something to sell, or an item wanted then see the link at www.kenaston.ca

Lynn Yelich
A Kenaston Crossroads supporter
1-800-263-6071, or 252-6100

Contributing to the Crossroads:

As space allows and content deemed appropriate, community members are welcomed and encouraged to contribute information or suggestions for articles to the Crossroads. Send your suggestion and contributions to Glen: 252-2711. Issue are published every 2 months. To sponsor ($60) or co-sponsor ($30) an issue contact Susan Anholt: 252-2769

Crossroads Distribution:

Our growing list of email addressesEmail helps us reach more of the rural and village residents who do not receive the newsletter.  We are hoping to continue with this expanded email list so the Crossroads and other important notices can be sent to more homes over the internet. Those not on our list can send their email address to Glen at gene.glen@sasktel.net


This Issue has been co-sponsored by:


Dinner Theater 2012:

A dinner theatre planning meeting was held on Thursday, January 17. Kathy Enns and Melanie Kerpan have started rehearsal for the production of "Hound of the Clackervilles" with a cast of 30! The play is booked for March 30 and 31. Tickets will go on sale on February 21 at Kenaston Place at 4:30pm, after which Sonia Howells has agreed to sell the balance of the tickets at 4 C's. Thanks Sonia and staff!

I, Susan Anholt will manage the event, but have indicated that this will be my last year in this capacity. Heather Mills has volunteered to oversee decorations and Shirley Sanderson will again manage marketing. Heather Jewell and Curtis Zdunich have again volunteered to operate the bar. Thank you, with all of these wonderful volunteers how can we go wrong! However, we will need teams to create desserts and appetizers for 500 people. We also require someone to book waiters, hostesses and the "kitchen support staff".

You may wish to book your tickets early. With a cast of 30 people, we anticipate that ticket sales will be brisk. If we need to consider an additional performance it would be great to plan early rather than miss the opportunity.

I cannot stress how important dinner theatre is to our community. We are so fortunate to have a facility such as Kenaston Place for our weddings, reunions and other important family events. Our dinner theatre is a very important source of funding for maintenance of the facility. In 2011 dinner theatre has transferred $17,000 to the Recreation Board for painting, hardwood resurfacing, and dry-cleaning the stage curtains. Let me know how you wish to help! Susan Anholt.

Welcoming New Businesses:

StylistIn November, after 16+ years in business Bev George retired from "Bev's Place" Hair Salon. Friends and customers already know that she is thoroughly enjoying the retirement lifestyle, and we wish to thank her for the excellent and professional services she provided.

Bev's Place is now being operated by Ashleigh Beckie and Tara Elphinstone and is open Tuesday to Friday from 9 to 5 & Saturday 9 - 12. The community is happy that the salon has remained in business and taken over by local stylists.

Beautification Committee:

flowerThe Chamber would like to welcome Colleen Sekulich as new head of Beautification and thank Dee Guy for her years of spearheading this committee, specifically for her efforts at Veterans Park.

Curling Rink

This year the Chamber is proposing that we paint the curling rink. The Coop is offering a deal for the purchase of paint and supplies, but we need to come up with a plan for a volunteer painting bee. If you would like to participate, or if you have ideas for a painting blitz, please let us know.

Also, it has been suggested that the curling rink could perhaps display a mural. If you know anyone who is a mural artist or if you have a mural idea then let us know Darryl Perry Realtor Avon - Shirley Hartman, Kenaston

Village News

Applications for the Village summer student position must be submitted by February 28th to Village office.

Recycling Update:

Residents will have noticed that the Green Bins across the back lane from the Co-op have been replaced by a Blue Bin.

The Loraas - "All Green Recycling" Blue Bin has 4 large doors into one large container for all Approved recyclables, thus no need to sort into separate doors.

All Green Recycling Accepts: (clean, flatten, do not bag)

  • Newspaper, magazines, office paper, junk mail
  • Aluminium beverage and metal cans
  • Cardboard & boxboard flattened
  • Plastic bottles & containers
  • Read More (This detailed list is also linked from the Village & Council page on the Kenaston Website)

Note: This service is paid for by the Tax Payers of the Village of Kenaston. Rural Residents wishing to recycle please report to the Village office and pay a minimal user fee to access this service.

CFL Bulb Disposal Alert

CFL BulbsCFLs need to be deposited at a toxic waste facility. Few Canadians are aware of this.

"At first glance these bulbs seems like a good way to conserve energy and protect our environment. However, there are a number of serious problems associated with CFL bulbs that need to be considered. These include mercury content, emission of UV radiation, emission of radio frequency radiation, and generation of dirty electricity."

The amount of mercury in one bulb is enough to contaminate up to 6,000 gallons of water beyond safe drinking levels. These bulbs need to be disposed of very carefully, and in most cases this means the inconvenience of taking them to a recycling center. Incandescent bulbs contain no toxic chemicals whatsoever.