Kenaston, Saskatchewan

Kenaston Crossroads - Bi-Monthly Newsletter
Kenaston Crossroads
December 2013 / January 2014

Christmas Gala

Saturday, December 7
Kenaston Place
/Hors D'oeuvres
8:30pm Entertainment: of
~ Theatre ~ Comedy ~ Music
Cash Bar - Tickets $20.00/person
Advance Tickets Available
Riverbend Co-op or by phone 252-1311 or 252-2226
- Come out and Support Blizzards Hockey -



Join us on SUNDAY DECEMBER 1 , 2013
Family skating will start at 6:00pm at Kenaston Arena then we will
proceed to the park for the tree lighting at 7:30pm.
Cookies and hot chocolate will be served at the arena and everyone is
welcome. If you can bake a batch of cookies
please call Reagan Prpich 252-2525

FlashlightNight Walking in Kenaston:

Those who enjoy walking in the evening are
encouraged to wear reflective clothing or carry a flash light.  Drivers have reported experiencing some difficulty in seeing you!


Minister Yelich's Annual Kenaston Open House

Friday, December 13, 2013
Adam's Centre
1-4 pm Everyone Welcome!


Business Insurance:

Kenaston and area businesses should become familiar with the Chamber Of Commerce group insurance plan available for members.  The policy info can be found on kenaston.ca chamber tab.

Christmas Eve
Service Times:

Anglican — 7 pm
Catholic — 7 pm
Evangelical — 8pm



Library News

Stop in and check out the childrens’ books by
local author Sharon Haduik.
Thank you to Heather, Rochelle, and  Michelle of Affinity Credit Union for designating our library to receive their staff charitable donations.  Please remember to pick up your 2014 Community Calendar. Thank you to our advertisers and subscribers for your support. 
Open: MON 7pm-9pm, WED & FRI 11am-5pm.

Adams CenterSeniors News

Tis' the season to be busy... and we are:
Our regular monthly meeting was held on Tuesday Nov. 19 . The next meeting will be held on January 21st 2014- see you there.

The Seniors Christmas Dinner will be held on December 16 at 5:30pm.  The Kenaston Christmas Hamper monetary donation may be made to the Kenaston Seniors Inc. and a receipt will be received for income tax purposes.

Our Winter games start in February. A complete list of clubs and dates will be posted at the Adams Centre.

A grant from the Dakota Dunes has enabled us to paint the backroom.
Thank you to the senior school students for helping to move the equipment and to Mike Schwab for painting.

Having trouble deciding what to get Mom, Dad, Grandma or Grandpa for Christmas—A Seniors membership would be a yearlong gift of enjoyment in playing cards, exercise, pool, puzzles and refreshments with friends and neighbors.

The Kenaston Seniors wish everyone a Very Merry Christmas and a Joyous New Year.  - Mary Ann Santha, Secretary 306-252-2721

Lynn Yelich MP

Sponsors Mason Trees
Kenaston Place

Kenaston Korner
Village Updates by ML Whittles

Even though this may be a little early, on behalf of
Village of Kenaston Council and Staff, we wish to take this opportunity to wish you all a Merry and Safe Christmas/Holiday Season, followed by the happiest of  New Years.
It is hard to believe another New Year is fast approaching.  My first year sitting on Council as your mayor has been a huge learning curve.  As the newcomer at the table, I wish to thank my fellow Councilors and Administrator for their patience and understanding as I found my path.
As of the date of this letter things are still up in the air with respect to the Highway 15 intersection.  The decision will be made public once the Village has been advised by the Ministry.

We are here to work with you and for you.
Your Humble Servant  -  M.L. Whittles—Mayor

Village Notice: If there are any groups interested in educational courses, such as snowmobile, boat or hunting safety, computer classes etc. contact Village Office. Carlton Trail has informed us that if there is enough interested in a certain course, they would consider offering the course in Kenaston or surrounding area.

blizzards logo The Blizzard Hockey Schedule is posted on the Kenaston website.  (See www.kenaston.ca homepage).

From the Beautification Committee:
Thank you to Kenaston School students & staff for fall clean-up and raking of the park.

Thank you to Reagan Prpich with help of Kenaston School and friends for winter cheer and lights in the park.   - Colleen Sekulich

The Affinity Credit Union
has donated $5480.96 to the Kenaston Community Rec Board for improvements to the swimming pool.  They have also donated $2,000.00 to the Village of Kenaston for improvements to the campground and fire pits from their annual funding.  As of January 1, 2014 we will be accepting funding applications for 2014.  We are very proud to be able to provide this type of funding in our community.  
Tyler Pisiak—Business Development Manager


School News:

December 17th
Elementary Christmas Concert @ 7:00 p.m.
December 23rd - January 6th
Christmas Holidays.

Kenaston Place Report

Thanks to those who attended the successful fundraiser held on Saturday, October 26, featuring Brad Johner and the Johner Boys.  Their performance featured a variety of musical genres and was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone.  We could not have done this with the help of others. The committee would like to thank those people who donated pies and those who helped in the kitchen and bar.  We would also like to thank our sponsors: Millsap Fuel Distributors, Riverbend Co-op, Affinity Credit Union and ProPrint.  A special thank you to the Kenaston School students who helpled with setup and the Kenaston School Staff who handled the cleanup duties.  We are nearly half way to paying for our share of the new carpet installation.  Because of the enthusiastic response to the entertainment, the committee has booked Brad Johner and the Johner Boys for another performance at our Harvest Windup to be held on Saturday, October 18, 2014.  —Rosemary O’Handley

Christmas Hampers


Every year the Christmas season brings excitement and wonder, but to many in our midst it also brings with it the stress of added financial burdens. Once again the Christmas Hamper Committee will be collecting monetary donations that will be used to purchase Co-op gift cards. These gift cards will be distributed to recipients enabling them to purchase food items for themselves. Anyone wishing a tax receipt can make their donation through a local church or the Seniors. If you know of a family or individual in need please submit the name to Pastor Gene Whitehead or Rev. Susan Anholt. Potential recipients will be contacted to ensure their approval. All submissions are kept in the strictest confidence! Thank you for your generosity in this yearly effort.

Don’t just hang a poster.

If you have an event be sure to contact Glen or Susan to have your event posted on the Kenaston website, newsletter, and community calendar.  Our website is used by a wide sector of the community who also use kenaston.ca as their default browser page.  Therefore this, and the Kenaston FB page, are main communication tools and we invite you to take advantage of them. See the contact page tab at www.kenaston.ca

“Like” Our Facebook Page as one of the easiest ways to stay up-to-date on community happenings, or important announcements.  Also check kenaston.ca

Sponsoring the Crossroads:

We are currently in need of sponsors. To sponsor ($80) or co-sponsor ($40) an issue contact Susan Anholt: 252-2769.

Crossroads Distribution:

EmailOur growing list of email addresses helps us reach more of the rural and village residents who do not receive the newsletter.  We are hoping to continue with this expanded email list so the Crossroads and other important notices can be sent to more homes over the internet. Those not on our list can send their email address to Glen at gene.glen@sasktel.net

Contributing to the Crossroads:

As space allows and content deemed appropriate, community members are welcomed and encouraged to contribute information or suggestions for articles to the Crossroads.  Send your suggestion and contributions to Glen: 252-2711. Issue are published every 2 months.