Kenaston, Saskatchewan

Kenaston Crossroads - Bi-Monthly Newsletter
February / March 2013
Kenaston Crossroads

Dinner Theatre
2013 Kenaston Dinner Theatre April 12 & 13
Early ticket sale March 5 from 4:30-5:30 Kenaston Place
Following that tickets can be purchased
at 4C's Confectionary 252-2210
2013 Dinner Theatre is chaired by Melanie Kerpan
and Rosemary O'Handley is coordinating volunteers.


"Prairie Women on Snowmobiles" will visit Kenaston on Tuesday, February 5.

They are doing their annual snowmobile tour to raise money for breast cancer. They will be at Kenaston Place from 12 - 1pm for lunch. The Kenaston Churches and Zid Community Club will host the luncheon. If you would like to bring in a donation, please come for lunch and bring your donation along. If you would like to snowmobile with them and raise funds; there are donation forms at 3C's Corner Store or from Susan Anholt. If you just want to drop off a donation, see Susan. Local clubs and businesses are encouraged to present donations. Breast cancer survivors that self-identify will be acknowledged by PWOS. Aaron Ringdal will guide the riders into Kenaston and over to Outlook.

Community Spirit

A big thank you to Reagan Prpich for the Christmas dispaly at Veterans Park in December, and for organizing the Lights-On event.

Crossroads Distribution:

Our growing list of email addressesEmail helps us reach more of the rural and village residents who do not receive the newsletter.  We are hoping to continue with this expanded email list so the Crossroads and other important notices can be sent to more homes over the internet. Those not on our list can send their email address to Glen at gene.glen@sasktel.net

Contributing to the Crossroads:
As space allows and content deemed appropriate, community members are welcomed and encouraged to contribute information or suggestions for articles to the Crossroads. Send your suggestion and contributions to Glen: 252-2711. Issue are published every 2 months. To sponsor ($60) or co-sponsor ($30) an issue contact Susan Anholt: 252-2769


Excerpts from Globe and Mail Article:

Recently, when The Globe and Mail asked readers to nominate the best communities in Canada, no one sent us messages about fancy houses or high-tech infrastructure, or places they are living out their comfortable lives in
People who brag about their neighborhoods today talk about a place where people know one another, where they are loved. These are places, we are told, where you can walk to the bookstore and the grocery store, to your kid's school and your own office. These are places where green space is not just found around the large "P" marking the nearest multistory parking lot, but where a connection to nature is part of the urban plan.
These places are easy to get around, but are not one size or one style. Some are urban, some are rural and some occupy the tree-lined spaces in between.
In these communities there is a mix of people of different backgrounds, different ages, different jobs, all of whom take part in the same rituals, from summer festivals to evening strolls.  ….Gone is the idea that quality neighborhoods must be built around large suburban yards or that anywhere worth living has a two-car garage…..

"There's a big difference between passing someone in the driving lane of an arterial and passing them on the sidewalk, where you make eye contact," (writer explains).
Today, the focus in urban planning boils down to one word: walkability. A strong community is one where you can walk to all the things you need: the grocery store, school, public park and pub, whether you're in the heart of the city or a small town.

Excerpts from John Ikert: Sustainable Communities

First, sustainable rural community development must be linked to local resources. There must be a purpose for people to live and work in a particular place. Land, minerals, landscapes, and climates must be utilized, at least initially, in the geographic locations where they exist, and thus, provide potential sources of sustainable development. Sustainable family farms will also play a critical role in sustaining most rural communities because of the ecological ties of farms to the land and the social ties of farm families to their communities.

.Second, sustainable communities must invest in people. People are the basic source of productivity in the post-industrial, knowledge-based era of economic development.

Third, sustainable rural communities must invest in infrastructure. Good roads and access to airports may continue to be important, however, modern telecommunications systems will be the key element in making rural areas competitive with urban and suburban areas in the information-driven, knowledge-based economy of the future.

Fourth, rural communities must invest in quality of life. Rural communities need to make the most of their natural advantages in local climates, landscapes, and recreational opportunities.

Fifth, rural renewal and regeneration will require a commitment of understanding, accepting, and valuing diversity. Quality of life depends upon positive relationships among different people.

Sixth and possibly most important, people within sustainable communities must develop a shared vision for their common future.

This issue co-sponsored by:

Kenaston Place

Kenaston Korner
Village Updates

A big thank you from your Village Council for all those who braved the cold on January 29 to attend the public meeting being held at Kenaston Place.

The purpose of the meeting was to initiate a communication link between the Council and the community. After a brief power point presentation regarding the village's financial position, council's perception of priorities and needs were identified:

  • Growing a financial reserve
  • Lagoon or new cell
  • Residential and commercial lots
  • Equipment Upgrades: tractor / One-ton/ office computer

A cell is an addition to the lagoon. Currently our lagoon has two cells. One for dirty water and one for filtered water. By regulation, a cell must be able to hold 180 days worth of water before it can be drained. Twice a year the filtered water cell can be drained. Now it needs to be expanded so that it can hold more water prior to being drained. A new cell would cost around $750,000. – $1M. A new lagoon would be approximately 2M. At present we are in the process of ascertaining exactly what we require.

The new Stop signs around the Village was discussed. The reasoning behind the new signs is: the Village Office was receiving complaints about the speed of traffic on various streets. There were vehicles which were clocked at 80 km/hr to 100 km/hr in spite of the 40 km speed signs. The safety of the community, including many of our children who run across these streets often with no regard to traffic, was paramount in the minds of the Council. It is easier to accept change if the reason behind the change is understood. Bottom line, it was done for your safety and I encourage all drivers to observe the traffic laws.

Council meetings are normally held at 7:00 p.m. on the 2nd Tuesday of every month. The meetings are open to the public, as are all Minutes of meetings, and financial reports. If you wish to address the council as a whole, please call the Administrator a few days before the meeting, advise her of the topic and you will be added to the agenda.

Any issues you may have should first be brought to the attention of the Administrator, Carman Fowler, during regular office hours. If an unsatisfactory resolution cannot be reached your Mayor and councilors will be happy to discuss anything you may wish clarified or resolved. We are here to work with you and for you.

Your Humble Servant
M.L. Whittles / Mayor

School News:kids

Feb. 1 - New semester begins
Feb. 8 - Gr. 5 - 9 Ski Trip to Table Mountain
Feb. 18 - 22 - February Break
Mar. 22 - Parent Teacher Interviews
Mar. 29 - April 5 - Easter Break.

A Magical Ukranian Easter

Marion Mutala—Author of award winning,
national best seller "Baba's Babushka: A Magical Ukrainian Christmas"
will read from her second book in the trilogy, " Baba's Babushka: A Magical Ukrainian Easter" two one hour All are welcome. Kenaston School on Wednesday, March 20th starting at 9:00 am


Seniors Club News:
January 2013
  • Exercise classes continue at the Centre on Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 10:00 am.
  • On January 31, a Card Night was held at the Adams Centre
  • On February 6, the Kenaston Seniors will host seniors from other clubs for the District Winter Games. 
  • 55 Alive, a refresher course for mature drivers will be held at the Adams Centre on February 28th. The course will take place from 9:00 to 3:30 with a break for lunch.  There will be no test and no cost for the course.  Watch for posters and contact Jeanette Holder if you are interested in attending. 
  • The Adams Centre continues to be a busy place with card games, pool games and quilting activities.

Thrift Store

New Hours: Tuesday, Wednesday, Friday 10-5


Lynn Yelich
A Kenaston Crossroads supporter
1-800-263-6071, or 252-6100