June / July 2014
Annual Flea Market—Ole' Den Antiques:
Sunday August 3rd, and Monday August 4th. To book a table on the Ole Den grounds contact Denis or Tammy Powder.
Ole' Den Antiques Grand Opening (formerly Prairie Treasures) will be having a Grand Opening as well as a Show 'n Shine on June 28 from 9 until 6. The Show 'n Shine will take place between 11:00 am and 4:00 pm. There will be discount cards to choose from for purchases at the store, and 5 to 50% off cards. The Show 'n Shine welcomes all types of cars, trucks, motorbikes, etc. Contact Ole' Den at 252-2366 for more information or email: oledenantiques @gmail.com
Summer hours: June 1- Mid Sept. 9-8 Monday to Saturday 10-8 Sunday.
Brandan, Tammy and Denis Powder.
New Business:
The Kenaston Chamber welcomes Hummer’s Burger Shack operating on the PeDe’s Corner.
Summer Hours: Open 10 am – 8 pm Daily
Bill and Lorraine Humilowich

For Fire Fighting & Motor Vehicle Accident Rescue. Help protect the lives and property of friends and neighbors, as well as travelers along Highways 11 & 15. Join and serve on: The Fire Team, The Rescue Team, or Both the Fire & Rescue Teams. Contact: Any Fire Department Member or come to a meeting at 7:30 pm Tuesdays at the Fire Hall.
School News:
June 6 - Elementary Track & Field
June 6 & 7 - High School Provincial Track & Field (Kenaston is sending 5 students)
June 16 - Awards Day
June 20 - Final Exams Start, and SRC Carnival
June 26 - Students' Last Day of School
June 27 - Graduation
The Village nuisance ground is available for village residents to use for trees and leaves and any metal items at no cost. The red bin is used for any other items at a cost of $25.00 per truck load. The key is available at the Village office during office hours only. If it is an urgent manner only and needed after hours, please contact the village foreman, Joe Stacowich.
The Village Office would like to remind residents that alleys should remain free of vehicles, campers, boats, trailers etc. for utility company vehicles and emergency vehicle access. These service people require access to alleys and are unable to contact owners of these items in an emergency case. Utility companies also often trim trees in the alleys to access their services. A note to owners of trees that hang in the back alley, they may not trim them the way you may want them. Please keep them trimmed the way you would like them. Please respect the requirements of the utility and emergency service representatives. - Carman Fowler, Administrator
Walking Trail Clean Up:

Kenaston Library:

Kenaston Library Is very excited to announce The start-up Of a “Used Book Sale”. Purchase a blue bag for $10 and fill it up with your favorite books. Book donations will be accepted. Help keep our library open. Library hours-Mon 7-9 Wed. and Fri. 11-5.
Also : Anyone interested in ordering a 2015 birthday calendar contact Vicki at 306-252-2003 and leave a message, or Faye at 306-252-2130.

Kenaston Korner
Village Updates
by ML Whittles
It was a long time in coming but I do believe (I truly hope) that the warm seasonal weather has finally arrived. Summer is so short as it is - and there is so much to do. In the last edition of the Crossroads I spoke of the high possibility that growth is coming our way – just as it has to Dundurn, Hanley and their surrounding R.M.'s. With the news of the school expansion and the arrival of an influx of new teachers to the community Council is feeling a sense of urgency. Some of those teachers are going to want to live here – some are going to want to build here. Are we ready? NO. Is that going to stop us? NO. And so the process for preparing for growth begins.
The first week of June we are expecting a geo-technical company out. They will be working at several different locations in the community – digging holes – analyzing soil – and providing the Village with a report as to what development and building requirements will be necessary. We live over an underground lake – we need to do due diligence. You will see the geo-tec company around the old Legion and Gymkhana area, as well as the block heading west. They will be around the tennis court area and between the Petro Can and the Co-op.
With this information in hand the block west of the old Legion will be surveyed and titled. We will need to haul dirt to build up the block and the geo-technical report will provide us with the correct soil requirements. This, we hope to have done this summer. 'The best laid plans'.... Well, you know how that goes. In any event, that is the plan.
You will see the Village Foreman checking the water turn off valves in the community. A budget of $10,000.00 has been set aside this year for ensuring that these valves are in working order. This will continue on a yearly basis until all turn off values are taken care of.
New water meters will be installed at all residential homes. The meters we have now are well past their 'good for date'. Fifty-five meters will be replaced this summer with the remaining meters installed over the next two years.
There has been no news as yet from the Ministry of Highways with respect to the intersection of #15 and #11 highways. In the last article of the Crossroads I advised we were meeting with the Project lead from the Ministry and the consultants on April 1. Sitting at the table with our Deputy Fire Chief, Ken Remmen, Emergency Measures Co-ordinator, Gene Whitehead, James Simonson, Community Planner from WaterWolf and the Village Council, our safety and growth concerns were expressed. We were asked to put it into a letter and it moves up the food chain. So, for all those watching this story unfold – that is the scoop so far.
Colleen Sekulich stepped down from the Chamber Beautification Committee. Thank you Colleen for all your time and effort. Veteran’s Centennial Park over the past few summers have been gorgeous.
A HUGE THANK YOU to the Affinity Credit Union. Management and staff have agreed to take up the trowel and responsibility for the Park this summer. The Credit Union has always been a huge participant in helping out in the park, so it was a natural transition. A transition much appreciated by this Council and the residents of Kenaston.
Don’t just hang a poster.
If you have an event be sure to contact Glen or Susan to have your event posted on the Kenaston website, newsletter, and community calendar. Our website is used by a wide sector of the community who also use
kenaston.ca as their default browser page. Therefore this, and the Kenaston FB page, are main communication tools and we invite you to take advantage of them.
See the contact page tab at www.kenaston.ca
Sponsoring the Crossroads:
We are currently in need of sponsors. To sponsor ($80) or co-sponsor ($40) an issue contact Susan Anholt: 252-2769.
Crossroads Distribution:
Our growing list of email addresses helps us reach more of the rural and village residents who do not receive the newsletter. We are hoping to continue with this expanded email list so the Crossroads and other important notices can be sent to more homes over the internet. Those not on our list can send their email address to Glen at glenpavelich@gmail.com
Contributing to the Crossroads:
As space allows and content deemed appropriate, community members are welcomed and encouraged to contribute information or suggestions for articles to the Crossroads. Send your suggestion and contributions to Glen: 252-2711. Issue are published every 2 months.