Kenaston Blizzards Sportsmen's Dinner
Featuring Wall of Honor Inductees to be announced!
Friday April 10, 2015 Kenaston Place
5:30pm -
6:30pm -
7:30pm -
Wall of Honor Athlete Recognition Blizzard Awards
8:30pm -
Live Auction
Guaranteed $1000.00 to the winning horse!
Ladies Night in Kenaston
To be held on Saturday, May 2nd 2015.
The doors will open at 6:00pm.
The evening will consist of a cocktail hour with musical entertainment, dinner, more music, and fashions by Two Fifty Two Boutique.
Wrapping up we will have a special performance by "The Real Housewives of Kenaston".
Tickets are $30.00 and will be available at local businesses. Advance tickets only.
At the present time there is a need for additional daytime members to maintain sufficient firefighting capabilities. We can use both male and female fire fighters.
In addition to fire fighting operation, the department also serves as the landing team for the STARS Air Ambulance and as a rescue team at motor vehicle collisions within the district. The level of involvement as a volunteer is up to each fire department member. Some members choose to respond only to fires and others respond to fires as well as rescue incidents.
The department meets each Tuesday night at 7:30 p.m. at the Fire Hall. To join with the Fire Department, come to one of the meetings or contact one of the officers. For further information contact: District Chief Jeff Austman 306-252-2934; Deputy Chief Ken Remmen – 306-252-2767; Captain Gene Whitehead 306-252-2245.
Snowman Park Fundraiser:
The Kenaston & District Chamber of Commerce have an extensive 'community space' project in mind. Our plan is to place zero maintenance picnic tables and benches in the Snowman Park, Veteran's Centennial Park and the Swimming Pool. The tables and benches will be placed on cement pads to enable grass to be cut without moving the tables.
If we can leverage sufficient funding we will also replace the cement pad at the swimming pool entrance. Grant applications are being completed at this time and we will keep you posted.
Anyone wishing to donate to these projects should make their donation to the Village office and receive an income tax deductible receipt.
Village News:
Dog and Cat License - Fees are now due for 2015. Contact - Village Office. You can view the Animal Control Bylaw on the village web page which states the licensing fees and information. Please also be reminded that all dogs are required to be leashed at all times.
Building Permits are required for any structural construction, alteration, repair, renovation, placement or reconstruction of a building larger than 100 square feet or a deck. If a building is going to be removed, demolished or removed from one location and moved to another location, a demolition or removal permit is required. If you have any concerns whether a permit is required, please contact the village office at 306-252-2211.
Career Opportunity: The Village of Kenaston is currently accepting applications for the position of Water Treatment Backup Operator. The successful applicant will have a great work ethic, ability to work independently and as part of a team. Good public relations are essential. Duties and more info at or contact the Village Office. (See More)
Recycling: Please do not bag or tie your recyclables except plastic bags and shredded paper. The Loraas truck is equipped with a sophisticated camera system that monitors cart contents. If carts contain unacceptable items Loraas will leave the carts curbside without dumping it. Plastic items must contain labels with any numbered arrow 1-7 symbol. All styrofoam is not accepted even if it has a recycle symbol on it. If there is any question of whether an item is recyclable, please see the residential services page (and printable PDF) or visit the village office to pick up a brochure on all items that are recyclable.
School News:
Congratulations to the Kenaston Kodiaks
Sr. Girls for their Silver metal at Hoopla 2015.
- April 3 - 10 - Easter Break Friday,
- April 24 - World Class Tour to Africa
- Friday, May 15 - Professional Development - No Classes
- Monday, May 18 - Victoria Day - No Classes
- June 26 - Graduation
Seniors News
Kenaston Seniors News Spring is here!
Or is it?
Members of the Kenaston Seniors Club have been participating In the Region G Seniors Winter Games. We held our games on March 10th, playing Cribbage, Kaiser and Pool competitions. The forty people in attendance enjoyed a delicious lunch prepared by our ladies. Everyone had a great time. A big thank you to all who made our games a success.
Drop-in at the Adams Centre during the next few weeks (while the Cafe is closed). There is coffee, tea and fellowship every morning and afternoon over the next few weeks for a small charge.
Renovations are in progress at the Adams Centre, but activities are still going on; exercise, card & pool games, etc.
The Annual Meeting will be held on April 28th at 4:30 p.m. followed by a pot-luck supper (meat will be provided).
New Memberships are welcome...come out, join us.
For more information call: Jeanette Holder - 306-252-2081 Mary Ann Santha - 306-252-2721
This Issue has been sponsored by:
Kenaston Korner
Village Updates
by ML Whittles
YES!! Spring is once again upon us.
Council sat down Monday, March 30th to some serious budget deliberations. Priorities were discussed and established. A draft form of the proposed budget was completed. As a council, together with the Administrator, we will continue to work on the draft for presentation at the April 14 Council meeting.
We are all very aware of the urgent need for lots in order to fulfill the growing demand for development. Council has 'irons in the fire' so to speak, and as transactions are solidified, you will hear about them. Action on this front will take place over the course of the summer. Lots are not all that we need though, and it is time to begin the process of making changes and improvements. It will not happen over-night, but it has to START and by working together as a community we will succeed.
It has been brought to our attention that the roads are in bad need of gravel, some areas more than others. Gravel will be brought in this year and every year in a systematic and continual manner. A budget line moving forward.
There are another 50+ water meters waiting to find a home. As they are installed, the turn off valves on the street will be tested and replaced if necessary. Once these meters are all in, at least 2/3 of the village will have new meters and we will be able to make a more accurate determination as to how much they offset the $24K+ deficit the water service is running at present.
Sidewalks – many either have to be replaced, repaired, put in or taken out completely. Quotes are being requested and Council has budgeted for the restoration of the sidewalk from the Kenaston Hotel to Boehmer's Garage for this year. Moving forward, the sidewalks are being given a budget line. If we want to attract new people to our community – we need to be attractive.
Surprise!! The snow is gone and we have pot holes. They will be dealt with as usual, please be patient.
We have heard nothing but positive comments with respect to the recycle bins. I, for one, never realized how many recyclables I was throwing into the garbage Multiply that by 300 or so people and we can truly say we are doing our part.
With a strategic plan tied to a budget we can plan for the future and ensure that we are pro-active, opposed to stagnating.
Enjoy the Spring weather.
We are here to work with you and for you.
Your Humble Servant - M.L. Whittles—Mayor
You can email
ML Whittles if you wish to communicate your ideas, comments or suggestions for village improvements.
Also: please check the
Council tab on the Kenaston website for minutes as well as some of the more important bylaws and policies.
Community Spirit
Kenaston Welcomes:
Symmetree Salon & Esthetics
Owner: Karinn Lewis
Hours of Operation: Mon & Fri: 10am-5pm Tues, Wed, Thurs: 10am-8pm
Services: Manicures, pedicures, gel nails & toes, assorted waxing, brow & eye lash tinting.
Kenaston Library:
Easter has arrived at the Kenaston Library even if it doesn't look like spring outside, stop by and check over the vast selection of books for all ages. Kids can enter their name in our jelly bean guessing contest and take home an Easter picture to color and return to the library for a prize draw.Our used "Book Sale" book is an active stop for our community with the inventory continually changing, stop by and take a look all profits stay here in our local library.
Adults it's that time of year to start thinking about "Spring Cleaning" and we have a new display of books full of ideas to declutter your homes.

Put your Kenaston Business on the new FaceBook Page. This FB group was started by Theresa Owen as a place to let others know of your new, home or small business.
A great place to advertise your specials or to let others know of your products. Search FB for the page and do a like!!
Preschool Fundraiser:
H5 Dough To Go -Pizza Dough:
Homemade pizza dough, just roll it, top it then bake it. White crust - $20 for 5 crusts. Whole Wheat - $20 for 5 crusts. Parmesan - $25 for 5 crusts.
Deadline: April 10th.
To order contact any preschool parent, Reagan Prpich
Group Insurance for your Business and Farm Employees
Special Program for farmers! If you operate a farm, large or small, look into the Group Insurance plan for employee benefits. Benefit programs help to retain employees.
Go to and click the easy icon to request a quote.
Be sure to check out the on-line Kenaston Business Directory for a complete list of Kenaston businesses. We keep this list updated as much as possible. Contact Glen if you would like a listing or business page.
“Like” Our Facebook Page as one of the easiest ways to stay up-to-date on community happenings or important announcements.
To have your community content added to our FB page contact Theresa Owen, Glen Pavelich or Susan Anholt OR 'message' from the Kenaston Community FB page.
Your announcements and notices can also be added to so be sure to send them in.
Contributing to the Crossroads:
As space allows and content deemed appropriate, community members are welcomed and encouraged to contribute information or suggestions for articles to the Crossroads. Send your suggestion and contributions to Glen: 252-2711. Issue are published every 2 months. (Feb, Apr, June, Aug, Oct, Dec)
Alternate Phone Directory:
A reminder to keep your information on the alternate phone directory listing updated. See the on-line form
Also if you have changed your email please send the update for newsletter distribution to Glen Pavelich
Sponsoring the Crossroads:
Sign up to receive the Kenaston Crossroads from the "Newsletter" page on the website. To sponsor an issue at $40, or to have your name placed on our rotational sequence for sponsoring—contact Susan Anholt.
Crossroads Distribution:
Our growing list of email addresses helps us reach more of the rural and village residents who do not receive the printed copy of newsletter AND those who block fliers from their post box. We are hoping to continue with this expanded email list so the Crossroads and other important notices can be sent to more homes over the internet. Those not on our list can send their email address to Glen Pavelich

Don’t just hang a poster.
If you have an event be sure to contact Glen or Susan to have your event posted on the Kenaston website, newsletter, and community calendar. Our website is used by a wide sector of the community who also use as their default browser page. Therefore this, and the Kenaston FB page, are main communication tools and we invite you to take advantage of them. See the contact page tab at