Thank you to our Crossroads sponsors: (PDF Version)

Kenaston Mayor and Council:
Recently homeowners received a letter in the mail that states the new assessment value of their property set by the Saskatchewan Asset Management Agency (SAMA).
The way property taxes are determined is a direct result of this assessment value however it is not the determining factor. Property taxes are made up of two parts: the Education mill rate and the Village mill rate. The Village Council has no control over the Education mill rate but the Village sets their own mill rate.
The recent budget announcement has affected the Village revenues but not in a drastic manner.On behalf of the Village of Kenaston Mayor and Council
Learning Expo—Kenaston School
On Thursday, March 23rd, Kenaston School vibrated with energy and excitement as students of all ages showcased what learning meant to them.
The evening kicked off with a chilli, bun and cookie supper organized by Grade 9 health students, Jaxon Firby and Jaxon Boot, with contributions being made by Mrs. Menzies and the entire Grade 9 Health class, The Kenaston Co-Op, The Kenaston SCC, Tammy Powder, Jen Millsap, Kathy Zdunich, Tammy Owen, Darla Collins, Michelle Ringdal, Kristie Boot and Lori Gasper.

An invitation to the gym, lead the way to a colourful show by the Circus Club. Followed by opening comments from Greg McJannet (Principal of Kenaston School), Tara Rink (SCC Chair) and Guy Tetrault (Director of Sun West School Division). Guests were invited to check out displays, booths, and presentations in every corner of the building.

In Grade 1/2, young learners showcased how they use a variety of web-based tools to help them with their math and reading. A variety of methods of learning were showcased by the grade 3/4 class; from presentations on partner built bridges, constructed of popsicle sticks, to clay art displays that incorporated research on the topic of interest, to student created and presented videos on the many ways animals depend upon plants. Middle years students educated visitors on the component parts of a computer and their goal of building a functioning computer out of several broken ones. From play dough, straws and string, participants were challenged to build a bridge upon which a ping pong ball could slide.
On behalf of the Kenaston School Community Council, thank you to all of the parents and community members that attended the Learning Expo. And a special thank you to Kenaston School staff and students for the warm welcome of visitors in their school and for taking the time to show us how wonderfully different and personalized learning looks today.
“Like” Our Facebook Page as an easy ways to stay up-to-date on community happenings or important announcements.
To have your community content added to our FB page contact Theresa Owen, Glen Pavelich or Susan Anholt OR 'message' from the Kenaston Community FB page.
Don’t just hang a poster:
Your announcements and notices can also be added to so be sure to send them in. Posting on the webpage gives longer durability to your notice than Facebook since facebook posts disappear down the feed. If you have an event be sure to contact Glen or Susan to have your event posted on the Kenaston website, newsletter, and community calendar.
Our website is used by a wide sector of the community who also use as their default browser page. Therefore this, the newsletter, and the Kenaston FB page are main communication tools and we invite you to take advantage of them.
Contact addresses are always available from the contact page tab at

Add Kenaston To Your Device:
Please consider adding the Kenaston icon on your mobile device to have easy access to all things Kenaston. Instructions are Here.
The Kenaston website and Crossroads Newsletter are device-friendly.
Contributing to the Crossroads:
As space allows and content deemed appropriate, community members are welcomed and encouraged to contribute information or suggestions for articles to the Crossroads. Send your suggestion and contributions to Glen: 252-2711. Issue are published every 2 months. (Feb, Apr, June, Aug, Oct, Dec)
Alternate Phone Directory:

A reminder to keep your information on the alternate phone directory listing updated. See the on-line form
Also if you have changed your email please send the update for newsletter distribution to Glen Pavelich
Kenaston Businesses:
Be sure to check out the on-line Kenaston Business Directory for a complete list of Kenaston businesses. We like to keep this list updated as much as possible. Contact Glen if you would like your commercial or home business information added. Services are listed separately.
Sponsoring the Crossroads:

To co-sponsor an issue the cost is $40, sponsoring in full is $80. You can have your name placed on our rotational sequence for sponsoring. Contact Susan Anholt.
Crossroads Distribution:

Sign up to receive the Kenaston Crossroads from the "Newsletter" page on the website. Our growing list of email addresses helps us reach more of the rural and village residents who do not receive the printed copy of newsletter AND those who block fliers from their post box. We are hoping to continue with this expanded email list so the Crossroads and other important notices can be sent to more homes over the internet.
Kenaston Chamber Meetings:
Kenaston Chamber meets the 4th Monday of the month, for a one hour lunch meeting, at the Kenaston Hotel. Everyone is welcome to attend and to join the Chamber. Membership is $25. a year. Lunch is pay for your own from the menu. Come see what it's about!

Group Insurance for your Business and Farm Employees:
Special Program for farmers! If you operate a farm, large or small, look into the Group Insurance plan for employee benefits. Benefit programs help to retain employees.
Go to and click the easy icon to request a quote.
Put your Kenaston Business on the new FaceBook Page:
This FB page is a great place to let others know of your new, home or small business, and to advertise your specials or let others know of your products. Click here and do a like!!