Kenaston, Saskatchewan

Kenaston Crossroads - Bi-Monthly Newsletter
Kenaston CrossroadsApril

Village News


Due to changes in the recycling program Loraas is no longer accepting plastic film products. Plastic film includes: plastic grocery bags, ziploc bags, saran wrap, plastic garbage bags, bread bags or bubble wrap. There is one exception: all shredded paper must be in a plastic bag and tied. No glass is accepted in recycle bins outside the city of Saskatoon.


Again in 2017 and early 2018 Kenaston Lions and Superdraft have contributed to recreation and culture in our community. Another regular season draft was completed and we just wrapped up entries for the NHL Playoff Draft. The funds from the drafts and the Farmland Initiative continue to be used to enhance and maintain our facilities for all to use.

Thank you to the community members who volunteered answering phones during the recent draft. Your efforts are important to make this project manageable. Volunteers are the foundation of community! Thank you to the local folks who entered the draft. We wish you all good luck.

Superdraft continues to support Saskatchewan hospital funds, Wish Foundation, Diabetes, CNIB, Guide Dogs and other local initiatives. Contact a local Lion if you are interested in membership

Lorne Anholt on behalf of Kenaston Lions



The Chamber welcomes any local business or individual to join. Members are reminded that 2018 membership fees of $25.00 are now due.

Meetings are held the 4th Monday of the month at 12 noon at the Kenaston Hotel. The next meeting dates are Mon April 23, 2018 and Mon May 28, 2018.

Watch for the next Crossroads for details of Kenaston Community Street Party on the last day of school Wed June 27.


On Saturday, April 14 the Kenaston Blizzard Senior Hockey Club hosted a successful fundraiser to a large crowd.

The Kenaston Girls Softball Team of 1996 was added to the Kenaston Sports "Wall of Honour". 50/50 tickets and Humboldt Sk Jr. Hockey team decals were sold with proceeds dedicated to STARS Air Ambulance.

Adams Center

Adams Centre. 4:30 p.m. Tuesday May 8, 2018 followed by a Potluck Supper

You are reminded to renew your memberships. New members are welcome.


"Just in Case" is a 45 minute seminar presented by Harold Empey. Harold has developed and will explain a package of materials to help you organize your information so those handling your affairs will have easy access to the information they need in the event of your death.

There is no cost for this seminar, but a binder with the materials will be available for $30.00 if you wish to purchase one.

Date/Time: Thursday, May 3 at 7:30 pm Location: Kenaston Place

For more information please contact Rosemary O'Handley at 306.252.2131.

Sponsored by the Kenaston Lions Club and Kenaston Seniors

Thank you to our Crossroads sponsors: (PDF Version)

TLC and Co-Op

Kenaston School Council


Congratulations! Kenaston won the 'Go Out and Play Challenge' sponsored by Saskatchewan Blue Cross. The top prize of $10,000.00 will go towards an active outdoor wellness space for people of all ages and abilities. This will include installing outdoor fitness equipment as part of the ongoing improvements to the exterior space around the swimming pool.

A huge 'thank you' is extended to everyone who entered the challenge; including all the school students and staff, neighbours and friends, past Kenaston and area residents, and staff at the DLC.

Thank you to Elaina Guilmette who organized it all. To read further, follow the link to the Davidson Leader Online: https://i2.wp.com/leaderonline.ca/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/webKenastonInMotion.jpg

Kenaston Community Recreation Board


Congratulations to the Senior Girls Basketball Team for winning the Silver at Hoopla!!! KSCC has school newsletters on the Riverbend Co-Op bulletin board for anyone who wishes a copy. Alternately, you can like their page "Kenaston SCC" and follow them on Facebook.


Outlook Housing Authority: We are looking for an individual to mow the lawn at one housing unit in Kenaston though the summer season. Please contact the Outlook Housing Authority at 306-867-8887 or by email at outlook.ha@gov.sk.ca.

The Kenaston Wheatland Library :


WHAT: Sign Night

WHEN: Tues. April 24, 2018 at 7:00 pm

WHERE: Adams Centre

Participants must go to www.starlightcreations.ca to pick out your sign. There is a variety of signs and sizes to choose from. You must select "Kenaston Library Fundraiser".

Pre-pay online and you are ready to go! Your sign must be pre-ordered and the deadline for ordering is Tuesday April 17.

Library Update: The Library board is hopeful that spring arrives soon so we can complete installing the ramp railing for the library. Keep in mind that we have a drop off slot by the door for returns at any time.

FaceBookLogo“Like” Our Facebook Page as an easy ways to stay up-to-date on community happenings or important announcements.

To have your community content added to our FB page contact Theresa Owen, Susan Anholt OR 'message' from the Kenaston Community FB page.

Don’t just hang a poster:

Your announcements and notices can also be added to kenaston.ca so be sure to send them in. Posting on the webpage gives longer durability to your notice than Facebook since facebook posts disappear down the feed. If you have an event be sure to contact Glen or Susan to have your event posted on the Kenaston website, newsletter, and community calendar. 

Our website is used by a wide sector of the community who also use kenaston.ca as their default browser page.  Therefore this, the newsletter, and the Kenaston FB page are main communication tools and we invite you to take advantage of them.

Contact addresses are always available from the contact page tab at www.kenaston.ca

Kenaston icon

Add Kenaston To Your Device:

Please consider adding the Kenaston icon on your mobile device to have easy access to all things Kenaston. Instructions are Here.
The Kenaston website and Crossroads Newsletter are device-friendly.

Contributing to the Crossroads:

As space allows and content deemed appropriate, community members are welcomed and encouraged to contribute information or suggestions for articles to the Crossroads. Send your suggestion and contributions to Colleen Sekulich. Issue are published every 2 months. (Feb, Apr, June, Aug, Oct, Dec)

Alternate Phone Directory:

A reminder to keep your information on the alternate phone directory listing updated. See the on-line form

Also if you have changed your email please send the update for newsletter distribution to Susan Anholt

Kenaston Place

Kenaston Place now has its own domain name: kenastonplace.ca and has a group of pages on the kenaston website. Feel free to pass this along as promotion to anyone interested in renting the facility.
A full color brochure is also available from Village Office.

Kenaston Businesses:

Be sure to check out the on-line Kenaston Business Directory for a complete list of Kenaston businesses. We like to keep this list updated as much as possible. Contact Glen if you would like your commercial or home business information added. Services are listed separately.

Sponsoring the Crossroads:

Kenaston Crossroads

To co-sponsor an issue the cost is $40, sponsoring in full is $80. You can have your name placed on our rotational sequence for sponsoring. Contact Susan Anholt.

Crossroads Distribution:


Sign up to receive the Kenaston Crossroads from the "Newsletter" page on the kenaston.ca website. Our growing list of email addresses helps us reach more of the rural and village residents who do not receive the printed copy of newsletter AND those who block fliers from their post box.  We are hoping to continue with this expanded email list so the Crossroads and other important notices can be sent to more homes over the internet.

Kenaston Chamber Meetings:

Kenaston Chamber meets the 4th Monday of the month, for a one hour lunch meeting, at the Kenaston Hotel. Everyone is welcome to attend and to join the Chamber. Membership is $25. a year. Lunch is pay for your own from the menu. Come see what it's about!

Chamber Group Plan

Group Insurance for your Business and Farm Employees:

Special Program for farmers! If you operate a farm, large or small, look into the Group Insurance plan for employee benefits. Benefit programs help to retain employees.

Go to http://www.kenaston.ca/pages/chamber.htm and click the easy icon to request a quote.

Kenaston Business

Put your Kenaston Business on the new FaceBook Page:
This FB page is a great place to let others know of your new, home or small business, and to advertise your specials or let others know of your products. Click here and do a like!!