Kenaston, Saskatchewan

Kenaston Crossroads - Bi-Monthly Newsletter
Kenaston Crossroads.June Kenaston Crossroads

Notes from Village Council

Please maintain your yard through the summer as a beautification effort for our community.

EMO Co-ordinator: Gene Whitehead the current EMO Co-ordinator is retiring and moving to Alberta at the end of June. Gene has resigned this position as of May 31, 2018. The Village is looking for 2-3 individuals to serve as an EMO Co-ordinator Leadership Team. Training is provided by the Office of Saskatchewan Fire and Public Safety. Anyone interested can contact Gene Whitehead at 306-252-2245.

The Village of Kenaston Council would like to send out a big "THANK YOU" to the Kenaston School Staff and Students for the wonderful job they did cleaning up our streets. This work was greatly appreciated by the village. We are lucky to have students and staff that want to beautify our community for our residents and the travelling public. Have a great summer vacation!

Editor Needed for the Crossroads

Fun in The Sun

August Long Weekend Extravaganza

Mark August 5th and 6th on your calendar for our annual Kenaston Community Recreation Board fundraiser!

All proceeds go towards the operation and maintenance of our rink, pool and hall.

If you are able to help or sponsor this fun-filled weekend, please contact Elaina Guilmette or Tammy Powder for details. All sponsorships will receive a tax-deductible receipt.

August Long Weekend 2018

Kenaston Swimming Pool

The Kenaston Swimming Pool will open the first week of June! Come check out our newly painted changerooms! Thanks to Jamie Young for all the hard work completing the change rooms and Dakota Dunes for the generous $5000.00 donation towards the change room upgrade.

Watch our Facebook page for details on public swim times and lesson sets for the summer! Thanks to Brad Owen for the countless volunteer hours he spends prepping the systems, ordering and balancing the chemicals, filling the pool and making repairs. We are grateful to have him and his expertise on our committee.

We are excited to have Julia Prpich manage the Kenaston Swimming Pool again this year. If you have any questions or concerns, please contact her. We welcome Jessica Young and Lannah Betnesky-Matovich as new members of the committee. We look forward to another incredible season!

Village Recycling, Composting & Landfill News

Change in Recycling: Due to changes in the recycling program Loraas is no longer accepting plastic film products. Plastic film includes: plastic grocery bags, ziploc bags, saran wrap, plastic garbage bags, bread bags or bubble wrap. There is one exception: all shredded paper must be in a CLEAR plastic bag and tied. No glass is accepted in recycle bins outside the City of Saskatoon. The Village of Kenaston Council would like to ask people to refrain from placing compost in the village alleys. This includes grass, leaves, and food scraps. These items can be taken to the landfill during open hours or placed in your garbage bin for pickup.

Loraas Disposal has offered to provide the service of composting bins for residents interested. There is a required commitment needed by at least 30 people at a cost of $10/month which would be added to the waste management fee on your utility billing. These bins would be picked up on a biweekly rotation. Anyone interested, please contact the village office at 306-252-2211 or email kenaston@sasktel.net.

Dump hours for May – August are Wednesdays 5-8 pm and Saturdays 1-4 pm—Dave Osachuk will be at the dump during these times only. If you have any questions, please contact the office at 306-252-2211 during regular business hours.

Thank you to our Crossroads Sponsor: (PDF Version)

Millsap Fuels

Canada Day Street Fair & BBQ

Wednesday, June 27, 2018
3rd Street from 3pm—7 pm
Celebrate Canada's Birthday with Community Spirit!
Join in the fun and fellowship!
Bring a lawn chair!
Popcorn, Cotton Candy, Sno Cones, Mini Donuts
Model T Rides - Circus Club - Bouncy Castle
Door Prizes - EMO on Display
Sask Reptile Show from 4-6pm
Refreshments - Music
Movie Night at the Anglican Church at 8:30pm

BBQ Hamburger Supper from 4:30—6:30pm
Adults: $5.00 … Students: $3.00 …
Pre-School Free...
Family Rate: $15
Newcomers arriving since last year's
BBQ are FREE admission!


Thank you to our event sponsors:

Kenaston Lions Club &
Millsap Fuel Distributors
Riverbend Co-Operative

Event hosted by the Kenaston & District Chamber of Commerce

Fun in the Sun

The staff at the Sun West Distance Learning Center are hosting a wonderful afternoon for our K-12 home-based and Kenaston School students! This event is filled with a variety of educational and activity -based opportunities.

Thank you to Affinity Credit Union, Riverbend Co-op, Kenaston School and the SCC for sponsoring this amazing afternoon! We are blessed to have so many wonderful teachers and community members help out!

Trail & Park Clean-Up:
June 21, 2018 at 6:30pm, meet at Veteran's Park

Crossroads can be emailed

Kenaston School
What Do You THink

Wheatland Library:
Contact Vickie Fowler to book your Community Calendar


Available at Village Office!


Lions Club Initiative

FaceBookLogo“Like” Our Facebook Page as an easy ways to stay up-to-date on community happenings or important announcements.

To have your community content added to our FB page contact Theresa Owen, Susan Anholt OR 'message' from the Kenaston Community FB page.

Don’t just hang a poster:

Your announcements and notices can also be added to kenaston.ca so be sure to send them in. Posting on the webpage gives longer durability to your notice than Facebook since facebook posts disappear down the feed. If you have an event be sure to contact Glen or Susan to have your event posted on the Kenaston website, newsletter, and community calendar. 

Our website is used by a wide sector of the community who also use kenaston.ca as their default browser page.  Therefore this, the newsletter, and the Kenaston FB page are main communication tools and we invite you to take advantage of them.

Contact addresses are always available from the contact page tab at www.kenaston.ca

Kenaston icon

Add Kenaston To Your Device:

Please consider adding the Kenaston icon on your mobile device to have easy access to all things Kenaston. Instructions are Here.
The Kenaston website and Crossroads Newsletter are device-friendly.

Contributing to the Crossroads:

As space allows and content deemed appropriate, community members are welcomed and encouraged to contribute information or suggestions for articles to the Crossroads. Send your suggestion and contributions to Susan Anholt. Issue are published every 2 months. (Feb, Apr, June, Aug, Oct, Dec)

Kenaston Place

Kenaston Place now has its own domain name: kenastonplace.ca and has a group of pages on the kenaston website. Feel free to pass this along as promotion to anyone interested in renting the facility.
A full color brochure is also available from Village Office.

Kenaston Businesses:

Be sure to check out the on-line Kenaston Business Directory for a complete list of Kenaston businesses. We like to keep this list updated as much as possible. Contact Glen if you would like your commercial or home business information added. Services are listed separately.

Sponsoring the Crossroads:

Kenaston Crossroads

To co-sponsor an issue the cost is $40, sponsoring in full is $80. You can have your name placed on our rotational sequence for sponsoring. Contact Susan Anholt.

Crossroads Distribution:


Sign up to receive the Kenaston Crossroads from the "Newsletter" page on the kenaston.ca website. Our growing list of email addresses helps us reach more of the rural and village residents who do not receive the printed copy of newsletter AND those who block fliers from their post box. 

Kenaston Chamber Meetings:

Kenaston Chamber meets the 4th Monday of the month, for a one hour lunch meeting, at the Kenaston Hotel. Everyone is welcome to attend and to join the Chamber. Membership is $25. a year. Lunch is pay for your own from the menu. Come see what it's about!

Chamber Group Plan

Group Insurance for your Business and Farm Employees:

Special Program for farmers! If you operate a farm, large or small, look into the Group Insurance plan for employee benefits. Benefit programs help to retain employees.

Go to http://www.kenaston.ca/pages/chamber.htm and click the easy icon to request a quote.

Kenaston Business

Put your Kenaston Business on the new FaceBook Page:
This FB page is a great place to let others know of your new, home or small business, and to advertise your specials or let others know of your products. Click here and do a like!!