Please note that the snow removal process will only start once the majority of the forecasted snow fall has occurred. If there is blowing snow, it will continue to fill in after it has been cleaned, so waiting until it has finished snowing is a more efficient use of time and cost for the employees/contractors. Please be patient and the workers will commence cleaning when safe and feasible to do so. Snow removal will be done in the priority order designated by the Village policy as per below. The Village appreciates anyone that helps with snow removal but with the reminder that snow piles are only to be placed according to the pink sections of the following map. If anyone places snow in undesignated area, it will be removed by the village at the homeowner/snow remover’s cost.
Emergency Routes- Fire Hall to the highway, Community Hall to the highway
A pass in front of the curling and skating rink
School Routes – School to the highway and west to the end of Fifth Avenue. This will include bus lanes, route to Loraas Disposal bin and staff parking during weekdays.
Business – All Village owned property, including Village office sidewalk, and in front of any businesses and their accesses, including parking lots and routes to each Loraas Disposal bin.
Residential –As much as possible, streets with the most snow will be cleared first, branching out from the main routes (3rd)
Recreation & Culture- This includes the parking areas of the Rink and Churches’. Consideration for priority when events are scheduled only once the village has provided access for everyone to be able to get out of the village.
Alleys- Alleys do not have snow removal services done unless for emergency measures.