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Snow Removal Plan


The Village of Kenaston appreciates anyone who helps with snow clearing through the winter.  PLEASE REFRAIN FROM PLACING SNOW ON THE VILLAGE STREETS FROM YOUR PERSONAL OR BUSINESS PROPERTY.  This produces more work for the foreman removing snow in an efficient manner.  This map shows yellow areas where snow removed from the street to help the village during big snow falls may be placed.  These are the only village property areas that snow may be placed other than your own private property as it allows drainage in the spring.  Private property snow can be hauled to the pink areas.  Any blue area piles throughout the village are for the foreman use only.  If you would like custom work snow removal from the town of private or business property snow, the snow can be placed on the street and the foreman will remove at a cost of $130.00 per hour with a minimum cost of $65.00 to the owner.  Any piles of snow left on the street in front of homes or businesses will be removed with this process and an invoice will be forward to the owner.  Please contact the office at 306-252-2211 for more information.

Thank you for your patience during our winter months.  Village of Kenaston Council